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Re: about warez.at

From: Stefano Maffulli
Subject: Re: about warez.at
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 18:13:15 +0200

On Friday 19 October 2001 14:35, MJ Ray wrote:
> Of course we are in favour of copyright enforcement, but all this talk
> of "piracy" is just silly.  I guess it fits in with the "daylight
> robbery" of most end-user licences, though.  As long as the BSA
> continues to promote proprietary software and talks in such inaccurate
> and emotive language, there will never be much common ground between
> them and the Free Software movements.

There will NEVER be common ground between us and them, don't you think? They
defend those that sell and distribute proprietary programs. We are pro free
software. There is nothing in common, IMHO, not even a short-term aim.

Maybe I'm just talking as an Italian where BSA pushed for an incredible law
that makes it at least hard for my LUG to even give away free (as in beer)
copies of Debian (see 

The problem here is that BSA should not have so much power. Granted that they
have the right to defend their interests, they should not have the right to
stomp on our feet! Indeed they did so in Italy and if we don't react we could
easily get caught in their political fire. Aren't they pro software patents
or do you think that they are going to back up our fight against SSSCA (just
to name 2 hot issues)?

I see perfectly what the risks are (being associated with crackers and
software criminals), but I feel it's worth running this risk instead of
having to smuggle a copy of Debian during meetings fearing a law dictated by
some that does not consider free software.

Now that I think about it, isn't there in Germany a tax on cd-writers for
compensating software companies and the record industry for illegal copies?
Who do you think "suggested" that law? I am suspicious by nature :)


Prima di tutti vennero a prendere gli zingari e fui contento perché
Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei e stetti zitto perché mi stavano antipatici.
Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti ed io non dissi niente perché non ero
Un giorno vennero a prendermi e non c'era rimasto nessuno a protestare..."
Bertold Brecht, "Sentieri di Verita'"

Prima di tutti vennero a prendere gli zingari e fui contento perché 
Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei e stetti zitto perché mi stavano antipatici.
Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti ed io non dissi niente perché non ero 
Un giorno vennero a prendermi e non c'era rimasto nessuno a protestare..."
Bertold Brecht, "Sentieri di Verita'"

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