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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Patenting software in the UK article

From: Paul
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Patenting software in the UK article
Date: 26 Jul 2003 10:25:14 +0100


> What will be relevant to us is 4 of 7 where software is mentioned 
> concisely  but with a lot of holes if one were to focus exclusively on 
> software...
> 'Software patents for structure prediction or 3-D visualization tools 
> are similar to computer software patents.'
> What on earth is this???

I would imagine that this is some form of protection to the likes of 3D
Max and SoftImage. 

As for the rest, it looks like they are protecting a lot of vested
interest groups (akin to "bought" members of the US Senate who are
trying to murder P2P due to RIAA) by wrapping what they are talking
about in legal mumbo-jumbo which is designed to put people off either
interpretting it or trying to get around what they are on about.

Of course, I could be wrong.


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