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Re: [Fsfe-uk] McCarthy report withdrawn

From: Robert (Jamie) Munro
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] McCarthy report withdrawn
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 11:52:33 +0100
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Alex Hudson wrote:

If it's possible to get it back on the agenda, we should watch them
fairly carefully - they have been caught trying to push things through

We need to get this back on the agenda. It is essential for a directive to go through and prevent any more stupid patents being granted. They are being granted now. No directive does not help us. It's great news that the current directive, which did not help has been sent back for modification.

Let's get this straight. If we don't get a directive in our favour passed, it's only a matter of time before the pro-patent lobby get one. We must stop the slide in case law once and for all. We must go on the offensive, and push back the patenting law. Once we are done, we should work on reversing the DMCA type laws that have been passed.

We can win this.

Robert Munro

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