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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Resignation from AFFS committee

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Resignation from AFFS committee
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:57:37 +0100

Alex Hudson wrote:
> I'm handling membership & finance; I thought we had copied you in on
> that. [...]

One person wrote they'd do it if no-one else did, and one person wrote
they'd do it if no-one objected. No-one sent me a decision or details.

> We do have problems with financial records and things which are mostly
> caused by someone (mentioning no names ;) needing to fix his car ;)

What part of "Please tell me where I should send them to" requires
someone to fix his car?

> > IIRC, my resignation means that 6 members can be elected at the AGM 
> > and only 5 continuing members (some of whom are good anyway), so new 
> > members will be a majority and can solve the problems.
> I'm not sure what you're talking about here - out of potential eleven
> positions, all but three (I think?) wouldn't be open. Half the serving
> ctte has to retire annually, as I recall.

There are 5 elected members left. The committee is less than
half-full and there is no "serving" constraint in "half of
the membership shall retire", so I was conservative and didn't
count on any of the current elected members retiring. Co-opted
and appointed members must retire anyway.

> I should also add that before Mark's leaving we agreed to have Chris
> Croughton join us on committee [...]

That proposal failed to achieve the required majority before my
resignation, but you can rewrite the rules now if you want.

MJ Ray (slef), K. Lynn, England, email see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/

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