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[Gchemutils-main] Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.9.4

From: Jean Bréfort
Subject: [Gchemutils-main] Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.9.4
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:57:24 +0200


This is a development version and is just made available for those who
whish to test the new features. However the programs might be very
unstable and reliable and should not be used for production purposes.

Work to be done before 0.10 release is essentially in GChemPaint which
is somewhat unstable at the moment especially when loading Chemdraw
files. If you have sample files showing issues, please tell me
(especially if the files are simple). GSpectrum also needs some work,
and I'd be interested by nmr samples in jcamp-dx format (buth spectra
and fids). Other apps are mostly ready for 0.10, just need some testing
and a documentation update.

Main news for 0.9.4 are: 

3d viewer: 
      * export more image formats (ps, pdf, eps).

      * initial support for ambiguous symbols such as Ac and Pr

Gnome Crystal: 
      * export more image formats (ps, pdf, eps). 
      * enhanced cif files import. 
      * enhanced radii support.

      * export more image formats (ps, pdf) and enhanced eps support. 
      * no more white rectangle under atoms symbols. 
      * correctly detects the mime type, even if the file doesn't exist.
      * accept file names with spaces for files opened using OpenBabel.
      * enhanced cdx files import.

      * customizable charts.

Mozilla plugin: 
      * added support for GChemPaint and JCAMP-DX files.

      * add support for mass spectrum. 
      * load nmr spectra using jcamp-dx 5.x NTUPPLES. 
      * made possible to change the x coordinates and to dsplay only
        part of the spectrum. 
      * initial support for NMR fids.

Sources are available as usual at:

Best regards,

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