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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 03:53:20 -0400 (EDT)

branch: devel-yves
commit 3fa171710772cb27843f28ac057ccc23b9d14c82
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Mon Jun 26 09:52:20 2017 +0200

    Installation on Windows description
 doc/sphinx/source/install/install_windows.rst | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 doc/sphinx/source/project/contribute.rst      |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/install/install_windows.rst 
index da3fea6..3c0bf6a 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/install/install_windows.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/install/install_windows.rst
@@ -6,19 +6,216 @@
 .. _ud-install-windows:
-How to install from sources on Windows
+How to install |gf| from sources on Windows
+See the `download and install <../download.html>`_ page for general
+requirements and the download of the last stable version of |gf|.
+Building |gf| in an environment hostile to open-source like Windows
+is naturally more painful than on Linux or MacOS X. Several possibilities
+exist to build |gf| with a commercial C++ compiler (see the ``mscv``
+directory on the git version of |gf| for some MSCV project files).
+However, we describe in the following how to build the sequential version of
+|gf| with both Python and Matlab interfaces under
+`Mingw <>`_
+and `Msys <>`_ which provide a
+minimal GNU environment for Windows. A similar installation should
+possible with `Cygwin <>`_.
-See the `download and install <../download.html>`_ page for general 
requirements and the download of the last stable version of |gf|.
+  - The first step is to install Mingw in 64 bits version
+    (x86_64, posix, sjlj options,
+    see `Mingw-64 web page <>`_).
+    For this you can usr an installer or simply download Mingw and copy it
+    in the directory ``C:\mingw64``
-On windows, there is several ways to build |gf| library. Either with a 
commercial C++ compiler or with Mingw or Cygwin. For MSCV, some projects files 
are available on the git version inside the ``mscv`` directory.
+  - Install also Msys 64 bits version the same way (either with an installer
+    or directly copy Msys in the directory ``C:\msys``)
-To be completed ...
+  - If it is not done by the installer, add to the Windows path variable the
+    directories ``C:\mingw64\bin;C:\msys;C:\msys\bin``. To this aim, go in the
+    start menu of Windows, search ``"system"`` and select
+    ``"edit the system environement variables"`` then edit the path variable.
+  - Open a Windows command console and enter ``msys``. This should open an Msys
+    shell console. For who is familiar with sh/bash, you normally feel
+    in a more civilized environment. Nothing to be too much happy,
+    this environment
+    is somehow minimalist (it aims to). Normally, Msys creates you a home
+    directory (try the command ``pwd`` to see the Msys path and note that it
+    corresponds to ``C:\msys\home\login`` windows path, where ``login`` is
+    your home directory name). You have first to create a file in that path
+    named ``.profile`` and containing at list the two following lines::
+      export CPATH="/usr/local/include"
+      export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib"
+    In theory, this should not be necessary, because ``/usr/local/include``
+    and ``/usr/local/lib`` are default directories, but ok, in my config,
+    it does not work without. Note that you can use any text editor to create
+    this file, for instance ``vim`` of Msys (there is also good versions of
+    emacs for windows or you can use the rudimentary blocnote of Windows).
+  - You will have to compile and install BLAS and LAPACK versions (it would
+    be possible to avoid that, but it is not a difficult step). Download a
+    version of tar.gz source package of blas and lapack into you home Msys
+    directory. Untar the two archives (for instance with
+    ``tar xvzf blas-?.?.?.tar.gz``,  ``tar xvzf lapack-?.?.?.tar.gz``,
+    ``?.?.?`` being the version numbers) and then
+    enter into the BLAS source directory, compile and install BLAS with::
+      $ cd blas-?.?.?
+      $ make
+      $ cp blas_LINUX.a /usr/local/lib/libblas.a
+      $ cd ..
+    Do the same for LAPACK with::
+      $ cd lapack-?.?.?
+      $ cp
+      $ cp ../BLAS-?.?.?/blas_LINUX.a librefblas.a
+      $ make
+      $ cp liblapack.a /usr/local/lib
+      $ cd ..
+  - You now need an installation of QHULL library in order to have access to
+    the meshing and Xfem tools of |gf|
+    (see `Qhull <>`_ and
+    `Qhull install instructions <>`_). 
+    Download the sources of Qhull in you Msys home (similarly as what you have
+    done for BLAS and LAPACK), untar them and enter into the Qhull source
+    directory with Msys. You can compile and install Qhull simply with::
+      $ make SO=dll
+      $ make install
+  - Similarly, we will compile and install now a sequential version of
+    the sparse linear solver `MUMPS <>`_.
+    Again, it is not strictly necessary since a version of
+    `Superlu <>`_ is
+    included with the |gf| sources, but, especially in 3D, MUMPS can solve
+    really larger systems. So, download a MUMPS source package on your
+    Msys home directory, untar it and make the following steps::
+      $ cd MUMPS_?.?.?
+      $ cp
+    Then, edit the ```` file and replace in it ``f90`` by
+    ``gfortran`` and ``cc`` by ``gcc``. Then compile MUMPS and install it 
+      $ make all
+      $ cp lib/*.a /usr/local/lib
+      $ cp libseq/*.a /usr/local/lib
+      $ cp include/*.h /usr/local/include
+  - At this stage, you should be able to make a first compilation of |gf|
+    without the interfaces.  Download the last released version of |gf| on
+    `download and install <../download.html>`_ (you can either download the
+    git current version, however, it necessitates the additional installation
+    of m4, autoconf, automake and libtool). Then, untar the package, enter into
+    the source directory of |gf| with Msys and compile with::
+      $ ./configure --with-blas="-lblas -lgfortran"
+      $ cd superlu
+      $ make
+      $ cp .libs/libsuperlu.a /usr/local/lib
+      $ cd ..
+      $ ./configure --with-blas="-lblas -lgfortran" --disable-superlu
+      $ make
+      $ make check
+    the ``make check`` is not necessary, but it is to verify that the
+    compilation is correctly done. Note the separate compilation of
+    the ``superlu`` library is due to some difficulties with Msys command `ar`.
+Build with the Python interface
+Additionnaly to build the Python interface, you will have first to install a 
64bits version of Python 2 on your system together with Numpy and Scipy 
packages. This is not completely simple, but you can follow the following steps 
+  - Install a 64 bits Python 2 version
+    (see `here <>`_).
+    Then, if it is not done by the installer you used, add ``C:\Pythonxx``
+    to your Windows path (where ``xx`` is the version number).
+    Close you Msys and Windows shell and re-open them to take into
+    account the changes.
+  - Install Pip (see `here <>`_)
+  - Downloads the precompiled packages of numpy and scipy for 64 bits
+    and Python 2 `here <>`_
+    (i.e. the wheel packages `numpy-1.11.3+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl`
+    and `scipy-0.19.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl`).
+  - Install then. Enter into the directory where you downloaded the two
+    wheel Python packages and install them with::
+      $ python -m pip install numpy-1.11.3+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
+      $ python -m pip install scipy-0.19.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
+  - Go to the Getfem source directory and perform again::
+      $ ./configure --with-blas="-lblas -lgfortran" --disable-superlu
+    if all is ok, the configure script should detect the Python installation
+    and the presence of Numpy and Scipy packages and allow the compilation
+    of the Python interface. Then::
+      $ make
+    You just remain to add as a Windows system variable ``PYTHONPATH`` with the
+    value ``c:\msys\home\login\getfem-5.?\interface\src\python`` where
+    ``login`` and ``5.?`` have tobe adapted. You can either copy the
+    directory ``interface\src\python`` where the interface has been built
+    in a Python 2 directory.
+Still some problems ... to be completed soon
+Build with the Matlab interface
+Here follows the additional step to build the Matlab interface. You have 
first, of course to have installed a (recent) version of Matlab on your system.
+   - You also need a installation of Python 2, because some Python scripts
+     are used to build the interface. You can follow the step describes
+     in the previous section for Python interface installation.
+     However, for the Matlab interface, Numpy and Scipy are not required.
+  - Upload `gnumex <>`_ and run it under Matlab
+    (see the indications on the website). Make it generates the
+    ``mexopts.bat`` et ``mexopts.stp`` files in an accessible directory.
+  - In the source top directory of |gf|, add the file ``gnumex.opts``
+    with the following lines (to be adapted)::
+      #!/bin/sh
+      MATLAB_ROOT="c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20???"
+      MATLAB_INC_DIR="$MATLAB_ROOT\extern\include"
+      MEXOPTS=c:\path_to_mexopts\mexopts.bat
+  - Re-run the configure script and compile with::
+      $ ./configure --with-blas="-lblas -lgfortran" --disable-superlu 
+      $ make
+    The Matlab interface should be compiled without error. If there is some
+    link errors, go to the ``interface\src\matlab`` directory
+    and try to adapt the library list in the matlab/mex call by copy/past the
+    command building the interface.
+  - Once the interface is properly compiled, you can lauch Matlab, add the
+    path of the compiled interface (on the matlab command line) with::
+      add_path('c:\msys\home\login\getfem-5.?\interface/tests/matlab')
+    and try the demo matlab programs of the interface in
+    ``interface\tests\matlab``. In order not to have to call the ``addpath``
+    command each time you open Matlab, you can add a Windows system variable
+    ``MATLABPATH`` to ``c:\msys\home\login\getfem-5.?\interface/tests/matlab``.
+    You can also move the ``interface\tests\matlab`` directory into your 
+    Matlab installation directory.
-You can find some help on how to build the Matlab interface on Windows on the 
page of `Mirko Windhoff 
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/project/contribute.rst 
index 5ad5b34..739355f 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/project/contribute.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/project/contribute.rst
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Your role stops here, since you are not allowed to modify the 
master branch of |
 Ask for an admin to merge your modifications to the master branch of |gf|
-Once you validated your modifications with sufficient tests, you can ask an 
admin of |gf| to merge your modifications. For this you just have to send an 
e-mail to address@hidden with the message : "please merge branch devel-me" with 
eventually a short description of the modifications. 
+Once you validated your modifications with sufficient tests, you can ask an 
admin of |gf| to merge your modifications. For this, contact one of them 
directly, or send an e-mail to address@hidden with the message : "please merge 
branch devel-me" with eventually a short description of the modifications.
 Merge modifications done by other contributors

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