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Re: [Getfem-users] gf_compute(MF, U,'gradient', meshfem MFGRAD)

From: Yves RENARD
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] gf_compute(MF, U,'gradient', meshfem MFGRAD)
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 17:29:00 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.3)


If you need to integrate the gradient over the element mutiplied by a certain quantity, then the assembly function can be used. Otherwise, there is not the possibility to compute the gradient on just a few elements, this is right. One possibility should be to define the target fem on which the gradient is interpolated with only a few elements but this possibility does not work because the loop is made on the elements of the original fem in the function compute_gradient (getfem_derivative.h). This is not consistent, the loop should be made only on the elements of the target fem. I will correct this.


Quoting "address@hidden" <address@hidden>:


I've got a big mesh in finite elements, I would like to
calculate the gradient in a few elements.

The function gf_compute(MF, U,'gradient', meshfem MFGRAD)
does not take a list of elements in argument. Is there a
getfem function or another way with getfem to have the
gradient only for the list of elements which interests me ?

Stanislas LARNIER


J'ai un gros maillage en éléments finis et je veux calculer
le gradient uniquement pour quelques éléments.

La syntaxe de la fonction gf_compute(MF, U,'gradient',
meshfem MFGRAD) ne me permet pas de préciser une liste
d'éléments lorsque je demande de calculer le gradient.
Existe-t-il une fonction getfem ou une autre manière de
coder avec getfem pour avoir le résultat souhaité sans
calculer le gradient pour chaque élément ?

Stanislas LARNIER

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