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Re: [gforth] 'require' and paths

From: Bernd Paysan
Subject: Re: [gforth] 'require' and paths
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 22:41:05 +0200
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Am Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013, 22:05:30 schrieb Marcos Cruz:
> Relative paths in all library files would solve the problem:

That is our intention.  Use relative paths.

>       [Example 2]
>       \ Main program:
>       require my_library/file1.fs
>       require my_library/file2.fs
>       \ My Library's file1.fs:
>       require ./file2.fs
> But that creates a new problem: file2.fs would be included twice because
> the paths are different in both cases. It's not a big problem, but I'm
> trying to find a solution:

Would it?  AFAIK, we record the corrected path so this doesn't happen.  Have 
you actually tried?  I did, this works both with Gforth 0.7.2 and the current 
development release.

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"

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