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Re: [glob2-devel] Thats it, we need a plan

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Thats it, we need a plan
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 09:44:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20050923)

sorry but i disagree on your opinion on the bugtracker. u stated that people read their mails. your mails are very long and i still have 29 unread mails to do on this list. when i'm finished with all of them i still don't have anything sorted like i can have it in the bugtracker. at some point or the other i just mark those mails read and never touch them again whereas a bug(wish) stays there and gets marked read (closed) once for all readers. so i can filter for open bugs without having to read through everything that has been solved already ...

greetings, leo wandersleb

Bradley Arsenault wrote:
On 3/28/06, Stéphane Magnenat <address@hidden> wrote:


That vision is nice, but unfortunately unrealistic. Glob2's code is complex,
because the game engine is complex, very complex. Of course, it is worst
because it is 6 years old, and has been the big project through which both
Nuage and I learned to program correct C++.

Now we have two people basically knowing the inner system (and even, we need
to reread big chunk of code if we have to work on them again).  But those two
people must harvest money to live and thus have a job. We thus have much
fewer time that during our student period.

Honestly, managing this project, even if you consider this managment a
failure, takes a lot of energy. But before giving up, I really would like a
nice result. Even if not perfect, but well finished, usable, and mostly bug

So here is my proposal :
We put every feature request into wished bugs, with discussion attached, so
that they are easily trackable. We can link bugs together to create
dependency graphs. Then we create a roadmap in the Wiki, refering to bugs (we
copy the bug title in the wiki page).

We split the roadmap between todo for 1.0 and todo for post1.0.
1.0 is not total freeze, but only quality and gameplay related issues will be
accepted (no wonderfull new feature such as glob 3d). If someone disagree, it
is always possible to submit a patch with the new feature. If it is good and
stable, it will be integrated. In the meantime, Nuage and I try to clean as
most things as possible while doing changes. You'll see, the new
unit/building matcher will be much more understandable.


glob2-devel mailing list

Realistic is nice but infortenetly its also very boring. One has to
have dreams...

I also have something against using the bug tracking system. A) it
won't work. People just, in general, don't fill out bug reports. You
can drill into their heads a billion times and it won't change the
matter, they won't fill out a bug report. The bug report system is
ugly, and you can't discuss upon it. Of all the times you have told
people to "fill out a bug report", Keiran is the only one who has ever
actually filled one. So face it, it won't work, don't try.

Instead I'm thinking we discuss features, in detail, here, on the
mailing list. People *do* respond to mails they get, and they enjoy
being part of the conversation, you don't get that same sort of
feeling like your actually affecting the project when you use a bug
tracker, you don't get personall responces for the bugs you submit.
So, people are much more inclined to use a system where they know they
are getting heard.

So, I think, add in all of our ideas here, and someone (probably me)
makes an elaborate to do list from all of the ideas, and we (again
probably me since it was my creation) keeps track of progress. We know
where we where, and we know where we're going. We know when where
finished to *our* statisfaction, and probably most importantly, we
know when where getting close to finishing so we can get that rush of
excitment that comes with it.

So, one last time, I repeat, I do not open this mailing list just to
present my ideas. We need all of the ideas, all of *your* ideas.
However non 1.0-ish they are, we should have them here. I will make
the todo-list, and we will decide when we think 1.0 will be finished.
We are here to make a kick ass game, lets try and do it.

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