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[glob2-devel] The latest changes

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] The latest changes
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 23:10:46 -0400

I have been making a slow but steady progress on the new YOG system. Most of the communication is done. The vast majority of the frameworking is done, meaning allmost all of the nesseccarry communication, classes and functions exist, they just provide only rudimentary results (such as the login system, it always allows a login). I think there is one class in my final design I haven't yet created.

I make extensive use of boost::shared_ptr. I'm a big advocate of smart pointers, especially in regarding the small objects that are frequently passed arround in the system.

I've also converted all of my code to use globulation 2 streams, rather than old-school Uint8*. It made allot of code smaller, its more consistant, less buggy, and it integrates better with the rest of the system.

Right now one can log into YOG, chat, and create a game. The creating the game isn't really complete, you will chose a map, and it will send you into the all-familar networked game screen that isn't functioning in the slightest. But you'll get some handy console output that shows the communication between the client and the server, it looks like this:

Sending: NetSendClientInformation(versionMinor=57)
Recieved: NetSendServerInformation(loginPolicy=YOGAnonymousLogin; gamePolicy=YOGMultipleGames; )
Sending: NetAttemptLogin(username="bradley"; password="")
Recieved: NetLoginSuccessful()
Recieved: NetUpdateGameList(removedGames 0, updatedGames 1)
Recieved: NetUpdatePlayerList(updatedPlayers 1, removedPlayers 0)
Sending: NetCreateGame(gameName="New Game")
Sending: NetSendMapHeader(mapname=map)
Recieved: NetUpdateGameHeaderPlayers()
Recieved: NetCreateGameAccepted()

I'm actually not very far from having a working multiplayer YOG system. All I need to do is distribute player information, and do the in-game Order passing. Theres allot of loose ends to tie but it should be relativly complete within a few weeks.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.
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