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[Gnash-commit] gnash gnash.vcproj

From: Vitaly Alexeev
Subject: [Gnash-commit] gnash gnash.vcproj
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 14:46:04 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/gnash
Module name:    gnash
Changes by:     Vitaly Alexeev <alexeev>        06/08/09 14:46:04

Removed files:
        .              : gnash.vcproj 

Log message:
        moved to win32\gnash folder


Index: gnash.vcproj
RCS file: gnash.vcproj
diff -N gnash.vcproj
--- gnash.vcproj        26 Jul 2006 21:49:05 -0000      1.7
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,1070 +0,0 @@
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-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\rc.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
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-                               RelativePath=".\server\ref_counted.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
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-                               RelativePath=".\server\render.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
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-                               RelativePath=".\server\resource.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\gui\sdlsup.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
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-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\Selection.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\shape.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\shape_character_def.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\SharedObject.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\smart_ptr.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\sound.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
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-                               RelativePath=".\server\Sprite.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\sprite_definition.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\sprite_instance.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\Stage.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\stream.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\StreamProvider.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\styles.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\swf.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\swf_function.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\System.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\swf\tag_loaders.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\swf\TagLoadersTable.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\tesselate.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\text.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\textformat.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\TextSnapshot.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\thread.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\timers.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\triangulate.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\triangulate_impl.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_config.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_file.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_math.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_opengl_includes.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_random.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_swap.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_timer.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\tu_types.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\types.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\URL.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\utf8.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\utility.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\asobj\Video.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\with_stack_entry.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\xml.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\xmlattrs.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\xmlnode.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\server\xmlsocket.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath=".\libbase\zlib_adapter.h"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-               </Filter>
-               <Filter
-                       Name="Resource Files"
-                       >
-               </Filter>
-       </Files>
-       <Globals>
-       </Globals>

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