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Re: [Gnash-commit] [SCM] Gnash branch, master, updated. release_0_8_9_fi

From: Richard Wilbur
Subject: Re: [Gnash-commit] [SCM] Gnash branch, master, updated. release_0_8_9_final-1963-g63de409
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 18:26:30 -0600

John, thanks for illuminating the subject.  I now see why in this
situation it doesn't make much difference which we call except as
regards the monkey business involved in setting up the calls.  poll()
does look simpler to set up and so probably preferable.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:13 AM, John Gilmore <address@hidden> wrote:
> Gnash's problem in this area is that script code is defined to be
> called every frame time, and other graphical actions occur then.  Gnash
> doesn't know how to detect innocuous no-op every-frame code that
> doesn't really need to execute every 60th of a second.  So it does a
> lot of short poll()s and select()s and accumulates a lot of useless
> CPU time doing nothing many times a second.

So it sounds like it would be useful to figure out how to recognize
"innocuous no-op every-frame code" in order to make a determination of
what to run every 60th of a second and whether we need to make the
timeout 1s/60 = 16.667ms.

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