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gnats/159: Mailed-in PR with empty message body is not filed

From: yngve . svendsen
Subject: gnats/159: Mailed-in PR with empty message body is not filed
Date: 26 Feb 2001 16:12:12 -0000

>Number:         159
>Category:       gnats
>Synopsis:       Mailed-in PR with empty message body is not filed
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Feb 26 08:14:01 PST 2001
>Originator:     Yngve Svendsen
>Release:        latest 4.0 cvs

While testing v4, I submitted a PR by e-mail, with an empty message body. The 
queue-pr cron job ran, but did not pick up the PR. Running

file-pr -f gnats-queue/gnats_Uaqbq -d test1

to have file-pr look at it directly gave a "pr-edit: Failure reading header" 

file-pr or queue-pr should probably catch this and send a warning message back 
to the submitter, or at least to the Gnats admin. Of course, no PRs with empty 
bodies should be submitted, but if someone does this by mistake, they should 
get a warning back. Currently, the GNATS system behaves as a black hole for 
this kind of messages, seen from a user perspective

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