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SE t68i and gnokii0.5.7 --sendsms

From: Jesper
Subject: SE t68i and gnokii0.5.7 --sendsms
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:35:27 +0100


I have a Ericsson t68i terminal. My .gnokiirc model is set to AT. I can read
sms from the phone, but when I send sms I get:
SE t68i and gnokii0.5.7 --sendsms

(linux Redhat 9.2)
address@hidden Docs]$ gnokii --sendsms 61777238
GNOKII Version 0.5.7
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:æøåÆØÅ
SMS Send failed (Command timed out.)

I read in the gnokii Docs that gnokii supports terminal t68i.
So I assume that my .gnokiirc file is wrong.

Can anyone send me a .gnokiirc file that successfully sends sms using
Ericsson t68i terminal, please.

Happy NewYear!


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