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MultiSync gnokii plugin and Evolution >= 1.5

From: Ivo Marino
Subject: MultiSync gnokii plugin and Evolution >= 1.5
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:51:06 -0000

Hello folks,

I recently found this post: and asked
myself which may be the actual status of the MuliSync gnokii plugin in
conjunction with Evolution version >= 1.5.

I run a Debian GNU/Linux unstable system on i386 and PowerPC
architectures, own a Nokia 6650 mobile phone (No SyncML support) and run
Evolution 1.5 over here.

As far as my mobile phone does not support SyncML but works fine, via
bluetooth, with gnokii I would like to sync my Evolution contacts, tasks
and appointments with the phone, so all what I need to get running is:

        - MultiSync
        - MultiSync plugin for Evolution >= 1.5
        - MultiSync plugin for gnokii

I'm interested in contributing to the development process of MultiSync
and can compile and test the above listed applications both on i386 as
on PowerPC based Debian GNU/Linux unstable systems.

Thanks for any feedback regarding this topic.
Best regards,


P.S. I'm off-list(s) so please Cc: me on each reply, thanks.

              _.--..---"-,--c_    Ivo Marino <address@hidden>
         \L..'           ._O__)_
 -.      _.+  _  \..--( /         MP3Roaster, phpNewsList, WWW::SMS.
   `\.-''__.-' \ (     \_         Free Software Developer
     `'''        `\__   /\

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