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Re: Nokia 5130c-2 writecalendar "COUNT=" excessive recurrence

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Nokia 5130c-2 writecalendar "COUNT=" excessive recurrence
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 12:14:24 +0100

Hi Charles,

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 11:25,  <address@hidden> wrote:
> Understood.  Further investigation showed the RRULE with COUNT= was the
> problem.  Not surprising because the phone has no equivalent option; it only
> supports end dates, not counts.  Similarly
> RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR,SU is not supported by the phone (no
> day-of-week selection for daily recurrences).
> What to do?  I am contemplating writing a script (awk) to post-process the
> Orage export file to change VEVENT types not supported by gnokii and the
> phone into VEVENTs that are supported.  For example the VEVENTs with RRULE
> lines with COUNT= could be transformed into "until <end date>" type VEVENTs
> or a series of individual VEVENTs.  It would be necessary to use a period
> such as one month before today to two months after today.
> Would this be useful as a prototype algorithm for gnokii or as a workaround
> until this functionality is developed in gnokii?

First, gnokii problem at the moment is that we cannot set recurrence
properly at all as of now -- just to make clear if we're on the same

Now, that's not an easy problem to solve. Because the solution should
take into the consideration both: phone capabilities and protocol
capabilities. If we can achieve it, I'd go for it. Even given that
with splitting a recurred event into the series of individual events
would loose some information (that they are linked together). But that
would still be better than loosing the information about the
recurrence at all.

Would you volunteer to work on such code?

take care,
Pawel Kot

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