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[Gnu-arch-users] Versions for Vim.

From: David Brown
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Versions for Vim.
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:44:50 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Bram has a series of alpha releases.  Each of these releases may have
additional patches.  I'm thinking of the following mapping.

  vim-6.0a      ->  vim--bram-alpha--6.0.1--version-0
  vim-6.0a-001  ->  vim--bram-alpha--6.0.1--versionfix-1

  vim-6.0aa     ->  vim--bram-alpha--6.0.27--version-0
  vim-6.0aa-001 ->  vim--bram-alpha--6.0.27--versionfix-1

  vim-6.0       ->  vim--bram--6.0--version-0
  vim-6.0-001   ->  vim--bram--6.0--versionfix-1

The -001, -002 releases are patches that Bram distributes fairly
frequently.  He is very good about making them independetn, and lists
any necessary dependencies, so it is very reasonable to pick and choose

The alpha releases could also be done as a single chain of releases,
with tags matching the new versions of the alpha.  6.0 is the only one
that had more than 26 alpha releases, resulting in double letters.

Any suggestions on ways to do this better?


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