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[Gnu-arch-users] Changing to untagged source (Was: untagged-source)

From: Ulrich Pfeifer
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Changing to untagged source (Was: untagged-source)
Date: 21 Sep 2003 10:37:15 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1


    U> Yesterdays 'tla what-changed' would delete and re-add all
    U> tagged files in these directories.  Todays tla does renames
    U> instead, which is fine.

correction: The problem was not related to the tla version directly.
I managed to mess up the =tagging-method file by checking it in with
old tla versions silently ignoring the new keyword.

One thing which could be fixed is, the list of obsolete renames
generated but changing the tagging method:

 | renamed files:
 |  bin/apply
 |    ==> bin/apply
 |  bin/billing-history
 |    ==> bin/billing-history
 |  bin/bycid
 |    ==> bin/bycid
 |  ...

Ulrich Pfeifer

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