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[Gnu-arch-users] Round IV: xl and all that (looking ahead, mostly)

From: Tom Lord
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Round IV: xl and all that (looking ahead, mostly)
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 18:55:59 -0700 (PDT)

            xl1: Side Effects, Multiprogramming, and Make

  So far, all of the functions we've looked at in xl1 are like

        (+ 1 2)


        (concat "hello"  " "  "world")

  Those are boring because they return a value but have no other
  effect on the world.

  Suppose instead that we had a function:

        (print <string>)

  which, in stream-oriented environments, prints <string> on "standard
  output".   The `print' function should return #false if the write
  fails;  #true if it succees.

  Another interesting function to add might be:

        (exit <status>)

  which, if evaluated, causes the process to exit with the indicated
  numeric status (#false counting as 2, all non-numbers counting as 0, 
  and all numbers counting as their truncated integer equivalent).

  Now consider evaluating this xl1 program for the value of `main':

        (define main 
          (exit (and (print "hello")
                     (print " ")
                     (print "world\(nl)"))))

  There is at least a plausible suggestion here that xl1 with side
  effects might be a handy way to write some kinds of program.

* xl1: Side Effects

  Consider a typical `tla' command.  They are almost all of the
  general form:

        main ()
           parse the options and arguments and set some variables
             based on what they say

          analyze the variables set during option and argument 
            parsing, filling in any that are needed but not 
            yet set with the implied default or derived value

          pass the variables to a function call into the core of
          libarch, exiting with status 0 if the 

  There are no loops or recursion in that and it comes out
  interestingly if you rephrase it in xl1:

    ; the interactive commit command....
    (define main
          ((equal? function 'help)    show-help-message)
          ((equal? function 'version) show-version-message)
             ; usual case:
             (commit tree-root commit-version log-message)))))

    (define parsed-options      (getopt option-rules argv))

    (define function
        ((ref parsed-options '--help)           'help)
        ((ref parsed-options '--version)        'version)
        (#true                                  'commit)))

    (define target-archive
      (or (archive-of target-specifier)

    (define default-archive
      (or (ref parsed-options '-A-argument)


  As the definition expands (barely) from xl1 to xl I'll a few
  more constructs that make imperative programming practical and
  interesting but, already in xl1, you can see how that might be.

  And, again: a very simple interpreter can run that program, sure,
  but it's also easy to translate into C.

* xl1: Multi-Programming 

  So far our rules for order of execution are pretty boring, for
  example, the subexpressions of a function call are evaluated left to

  Suppose we add a new special form (which turns out to be easy to
  implement) `first':

        (first  <subexp-0> <subexp-1> ....)

  asked to reduce a `first' expression, a cycle can make progress
  by reducing a trivial subexpression in _any_ of `<subexp-N>'
  subexpressions, not just the left-most.   It's unspecified what
  order the subexpressions will be reduced.

  If we assume that `first' is "fair" in how it allocates cycles among
  subexpressions, then you could ask which your xl1 implementation
  can evaluate faster:

        (define race (first (fibonacci 50)
                            (factorial 14)))

  or which net connection is faster:

        (define document
          (first (wget "";)
                 (wget "";)))

  A daemon could be implemented as a program that listens for 
  requests from multiple sources:

        (define this-request
          (first request-from-email

  Another special form, similar to `first', can evaluate 
  all subexpressions in parallel into all are finished:

        (define prerequisits-done
          (parallel-and  prereq-a

  distributes cycles to reducing each of the three `prereq-*'
  expressions until all are completely reduced or any one of them
  reduces to #false.

* Make

  The traditional unix build program, `make(1)', is an aweful 
  lot like xl1.  In fact, with a suitable addition of primitives, 
  xl1 would make a pretty interesting `make(1)' replacement:

        (define all
           (and (parallel-and <all-prereq-0>
                <recipe to run for "all">))

  One thing that makes this alternative to `make' very attractive
  is that expression evaluation (such as for setting make variables)
  and dependency building are both instances of the same general
  thing: xl1 expression evaluation.

* Next Step

  For the next step I'll build an xl1 interpreter by writing
  a meta-circular xl1 vm (xl1 vm written in xl1) and either
  hand-translating it to C or writing a specialized xl1->C compiler 
  for that.



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  "Hello, all of you boys and girls,
   I'd like to take you to the inside world."
                           - Claypool

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