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[Gnu-arch-users] /UIOS/ updates

From: Tom Lord
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] /UIOS/ updates
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 17:52:20 -0700 (PDT)

Pretty much every part has been fixed, cleaned-up, or better
documented since I last mentioned them.

As I recall, /UMBOX/ and /UDB/ are new.

The links in the description are live at:


                    Seyza Project Management Tools

* Location

  /Arch archive:/ address@hidden'

  /archive location:/ 

  /top of tree:/ `dists--devo--1.0'

  /subtrees configuration:/ `./config'

  /signed with:/ `pub 1024D/1BC9AE77 2005-02-03 Thomas Lord (GNU
  hacker) <address@hidden>'

* Parts

  /<"UIOS" -- ./src/uios/index.html>/ -- *the universal I/O system.*

    /UIOS/ is a trivially implementable unprotected operating system
    that can run on a platform consisting of any high-level language
    with access to a least-common-denominator hierarchical filesystem.

  /<"ULOCK" -- ./src/ulock/index.html>/ -- *primitives for advisory
  locks on top of /UIOS/*

    /ULOCK/ is a foundation for inter-process communication among 
    cooperating clients who share access to a /UIOS/ filesystem.

  /<"UMSG" -- ./src/umsg/index.html>/ -- *a transaction control
  protocol for /UIOS/*

    /UIOS/ can can be regarded as either a shared storage system
    or a shared communications channel.

    Taking the shared communications channel view, /UIOS/ system
    calls provide unreliable communication, /ULOCK/ is a tool
    for improving on that, and /UIOS/ is a low-level transaction
    control protocol.

  /<"UMBOX" -- ./src/umbox/index.html>/ *a persistent queue of messages
  for /UIOS/*

    Taking advantage of the dualistic storage/networking nature
    of the /UIOS/ libraries, /UMBOX/ adds a layer of /UMSG/ creating
    a persistent queue of incoming, multi-part messages.

  /<"UDB" -- ./src/udb/index.html>/ *client/server
  transaction management for /UIOS/*

    /UDB/ allows clients to share access to a /UMBOX/ queue
    of messages, dividing themselves into servers and clients.
    Severs process messages serially.  Clients can read the 
    queue concurrently.

  *more to come*


 ; arch-tag: Tom Lord Wed May 11 14:25:51 2005 (projmgt/index.txt)


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