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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] programming in the large (Re: On configs and huge s

From: James Blackwell
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] programming in the large (Re: On configs and huge source trees)
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 01:13:33 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 06:39:34PM -0700, Thomas Lord wrote:
>   James> At least directly. Indirectly, there's a helluva problem
>   James> because large trees tend to have a lot of history. And that's
>   James> a blocker for arch adoption.  Definitely, though, the problem
>   James> is not tree size, but history size.
> <cough-cough>revc storage model</cough-cough>.

Aye. But surely you've noticed the problem with what happens anybody
mentions that tla needs to be given up on. The way I'm reading the threads
on this list, you're not going to be able to get out from under tla to do

> So, a bunch of folks including but not limited to Mark should get
> together, pool some betting money proportionate to my appropriate
> needs, give it to me, and pose the question "So what have you done
> ... lately?"

The company is moving completely away from arch. Additionally, that's a
relatively small part of the other things going on. Lets not forget that
within that limited subset I'm far from the most influential.

Most importantly, within the context of the posts you've made to this list
and other public places regarding Canonical in general and Mark in
particular, I fear I'd be laughed out of a job for suggesting it.

For that matter, considering the things you've said about me in the past,
hoping that I'll advocate to any third party on your behalf is pointless
as well. The best that you can get from me (after you publically apologize
to me, with specificicity, in a way that I think you actually mean, for
the bulk of your behavior towards me over the last fourteen months or so)
is a small, short term stipend to help keep you fed.

> And then we'll all live happily ever after.

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