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Re: 1.3.94: \stemup \stemdown etc...

From: Laurent Martelli
Subject: Re: 1.3.94: \stemup \stemdown etc...
Date: 13 Oct 2000 00:25:49 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "Romaz" == Romaz  <address@hidden> writes:

  Romaz> Hi,

  Romaz> I've just updated my lilypond to version 1.3.94 and tried to
  Romaz> recompile my Chopin Ballade in G minor.  It outputs lot of
  Romaz> parsing error, relative to \stemup \stemdown \slurup
  Romaz> \slurdown.

  Romaz> Why have you removed them? Why the convert-mudela doesn't
  Romaz> modify my source fixing this problem?

They've been slightly changed : try \stemUp \stemDown ... instead. 

Or you can define \stemup = \stemUp I think. 

Laurent Martelli

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