% Mudela file generated by Denemo (http://denemo.sourceforge.net) \header { title = "Vluchtelingen(Refugees)"; composer = "Music: Bas Tummers\\\\Original words: Hannelly Lemmens (Netherlands, 1992)\\\\Translation and additional words: Michael Fine(2000)"; tagline = "Transcription Roy Rankin 1/04/00"; } \include "paper16.ly" Sopnotes = \notes { r2^" "^"Verse 1" d'4 d' | g'4. g'8 fis'4 fis' | e' e' g' g' | a' a' g' g' | %5 fis'2 d'4 a' | g'4. g'8 a'4 a' | e' a' a'2 | \time 2/4; e' | \time 4/4; d' d'4 d' | %10 g'4. g'8 fis'4 fis' | e' e' gis' gis' | a'4. e'8 b'4 e' | c''2. r4 | b'4. b'8 a'4 g' | %15 fis' d' fis' a' | a'2 | s \break } Sopchorus = \notes { s2^"Chorus" d''4 d'' | d''4. d''8 d''4 c'' | b' b' b' b' | %20 c'' a' b' b' | c''2 c''4 c'' | c''4. c''8 c''4 c'' | c'' c'' b' a' | b'2. r4 | %25 r2 b'4 b' | d''4. d''8 d''4 d'' | cis'' cis'' a' a' | cis'' cis'' b' b' | cis''2 r | %30 b'4. b'8 b'4 b' | a' cis'' cis'' a' | b'2 b' | a' r | \break } Soprepeat = \notes { % \bar "|:"; fis' fis'4 fis' | %35 fis' fis' ~ fis' fis' | fis' fis' fis' fis'| g'4 g' ~ g' g' | fis'2 fis'4 fis' | fis' fis' ~ fis' fis' | %40 g'4 g' g' g' | fis'2. r4 | fis' fis' fis' fis' | e'2 e'4 e' | e' e' ~ e' e' | %45 fis'2 fis'4 fis' | g' g' g' g'| g'4 g' ~ g' e' | e' e' e' e' | d'2. r4 %\bar ":|"; \break } SopV2 = \notes { %Verse 2 \break s2.^" "^"Verse 2" d'4 | g'4 g' fis'4 fis' | e'2 g'4 g' | a' a' g' g' | %5 fis'2 d'4 () a' | g'4. g'8 a'4 a'8 a' | e'4 a'8 a'8 a'2 | \time 2/4; e' | \time 4/4; d'2. r4 | %10 g'4. g'8 fis'4 fis' | e'2 gis'4 gis' | a'4. e'8 b'4 e' | c''2. r4 | b'2 a'4 g' | %15 fis' d' fis' a' | a'2 a' | d'' s \break } Soprepeat2 = \notes { fis'4 b' g' b' | %35 fis' ais' g' ais' | b'4. a'8 fis'4 b' | g'2 b'4. () g'8 | ais'4 ais' b' cis'' | d'' () cis'' () b'4. b'8 | %40 b'2 () cis''4. b'8 | ais'2. fis'8 fis'8 | a'4 a' a' b' | cis'' cis'' b' a' | g'4. g'8 a'4 b' | %45 b' () fis' r fis' | b'4 b' a'4 g' | g'4. g'8 b'4 g' | a' a' a'4 g' | fis'2. r4 } SopDV1 = \lyrics { %Verse 1 Met de schrik nog in de be- nen en de twee- strijd in hun ziel, staan ze met de moed der wan- hoop ann de grens. Om te vra- gen om be- scher- ming, om te vra- gen om a- siel; vluch- te- ling- en zijn het vra- gend ty- pe mens. } SopDC = \lyrics { % Chrous Wat ze vra- gen is een toe- komst zon- der drei- ging of de- weld. Zon- der angst om hun ge- zin en zon- der dwang. Dat is iets wat zij niet ken- nen maar zich hab- ben voor- ge- steld. Vluch- te- ling- en zijn al heel hun le- ven bang. } SopDVA = \lyrics { %Verse A Voor een be- amb- te is wie hier a- siel zoekt geen mens maar een num- mer, een echt grens- ge- val. Weer zes for- mu- lie- ren en tig te- le- foon- tjes voor- dat hij weet wæar hij hem la- ten zal. } SopLyrics = \lyrics { %Verse 1 With their ach- ing legs still tremb- ling, and with tor- ment in their eyes, They are wait- ing with the pati- ence of des- pair. They are ask- ing for pro- tec- tion, they're ap- peal- ing for their lives, Ref- u- gies need help from e- very one who cares. } SopEC = \lyrics { %Chorus What they ask for is a fu- ture with- out vio- lence, threat or lies, with out hun- ger for their child- ren, with out tears, It is some- _ thing that they've never known but dreamed of all their lives, Ref- u- gees have lived their lives till now in fear. } SopEA = \lyrics { %Verse A Seek- ing a- sy- lum be- fore the bu- reau- crats, Just a num- ber, boat per- son, one more il- le- gal case. Locked be- hind barbed wire and de- nied le- gal rights, We will ne- ver hear their stor- ies or ev- er see their face. } SopEV2 = \lyrics { %Verse 2 What kind of des- per- a- tion, would lead a fa- mi- ly, to risk their lives in a jour- ney a- cross the sea? Forced to flee their homes, when they seek their lib- er- ty, Why lock them years in camps where no one sees? } SopEB = \lyrics { %Verse B Be-fore it is de- cid- ed who must go and who can stay, each one is torn with fear and racked with doubt, But it's life that real- ly mat- ters, and it's life that makes us say, We ought to think a- gain be- fore we turn these peo- ple out. } ChorusEng = \lyrics { %Chorus What they ask for is a fu- ture with- out vio- lence, threat or lies, with out hun- ger for their child- ren, with out tears, It is some- _ thing that they've never known but dreamed of all their lives, Ref- u- gees have lived their lives till now in fear. } skipv1 = \notes { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet" \property Voice.automaticMelismata = ##t \time 4/4; \key g \major; \clef treble; s1 * 7 | \time 2/4; s2 | \time 4/4; s1 * 9 | } Altochorus = \notes { %Chorus s2 d'4 d' | b'4. b'8 a'4 a' | gis' e' e' e' | %20 a' e' gis' e' | a'2 a'4 g' | fis'4. fis'8 e'4 e' | ees' ees' b b | gis'2. r4 | %25 r2 gis'4 fis' | f'4. f'8 fis'4 gis' | a' fis' cis' fis' | gis' f' cis' gis' | a'2 r | %30 d'4. gis'8 fis'4 d' | cis' fis' a' fis' | d'2 f' | fis' r | } skiprepeat = \notes { s1 * 16 } skipV2 = \notes { %Verse 2 \break s1 * 7 \time 2/4; s2 \time 4/4; s1 * 9 } Tenorchorus = \notes { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone" \time 4/4; \key g \major; \clef "G_8"; s2 a4 a | b4. b8 d'4 d' | e' a e' b | %20 e' c' b d' | e'2 e'4 a | a4. a8 a4 a | a a dis' dis' | e'2. r4 | %25 r2 e'4 d' | a4. a8 b4 b | a a a a | gis gis gis gis | a2 r | %30 fis4. fis8 fis4 b | a a a a | b2 gis | cis' r | } Basschorus = \notes { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" \time 4/4; \key g \major; \clef bass; s2 d4 d | g4. g8 fis4 fis | e gis gis gis | %20 a a e gis | a2 a4 e | d4. fis8 a4 g | fis fis fis b, | e2. r4 | %25 r2 e4 fis | d4. d8 d4 d | fis fis fis d | cis cis f g | fis2 r | %30 fis4. d8 d4 fis | fis cis d fis | fis2 cis | fis r | } \score { \notes < \addlyrics \context Staff = "s" < { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \property Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 3 1 ) \property Voice.automaticMelismata = ##t \time 4/4; \key g \major; \clef treble; % \bar "|:"; \repeat volta 2 { \Sopnotes \Sopchorus } \alternative { { \Soprepeat }{ \$Soprepeat2 } } \$SopV2 \Sopchorus \$Soprepeat2 } > \context Lyrics = "s" < { \$SopDV1 \$SopDC \$SopEA \$SopEB \$SopEV2 \$ChorusEng \$SopEB } { \SopLyrics \$SopEC } > %{ \addlyrics \context Staff = "a" { \$skipv1 \$Altochorus \$skiprepeat \$skiprepeat \$skipV2 \$Altochorus \$Soprepeat } \context Lyrics = "a" < { \$SopDC \$ChorusEng \$SopEA } { \$SopEC } > \addlyrics \context Staff = "t" { \$skipv1 \$Tenorchorus \$skiprepeat \$skiprepeat \$skipV2 \$Tenorchorus \$skiprepeat } \context Lyrics = "t" < { \$SopDC \$SopEA } { \$SopEC } > \addlyrics \context Staff = "b" { \$skipv1 \$Basschorus \$skiprepeat \$skiprepeat \$skipV2 \$Basschorus \$skiprepeat } \context Lyrics = "b" < { \$SopDC \$SopEA } { \$SopEC } > %} > \paper { font_normal = 12.; \translator { \StaffContext noAutoBeaming = ##t; } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120; } }