% % Make sure the correct msamxx.tfm is where lily can find it % (ie cwd or lily's tfm dir). % % For normal (20pt) paper, do % % cp locate `msam9.tfm` $LILYPONDPREFIX/tfm % #(set! chord::names-alist-american (append '( ;; any changes here, see scm/chord-names.scm ; half diminished seventh chord = slashed o (((0 . 0) (2 . -1) (4 . -1) (6 . -1)) . (("o" (type . "super")) ("/" (size . -2) (offset . (-0.58 . 0.5))) )) ; diminished seventh chord = o (((0 . 0) (2 . -1) (4 . -1) (6 . -2)) . (("o" (type . "super")))) ; major 6 = 6 (((0 . 0) (2 . 0) (4 . 0) (5 . 0)) . (("6" (type . "super")))) ; major seventh chord = triangle (((0 . 0) (2 . 0) (4 . 0) (6 . 0)) . (("N" (type . "super") (style . "msam") (size . -3)))) ; minor major seventh chord = m triangle (((0 . 0) (2 . -1) (4 . 0) (6 . 0)) . (("m") ("N" (type . "super") (style . "msam") (size . -3)))) ; augmented dominant = +7 (((0 . 0) (2 . 0) (4 . +1) (6 . -1)) . (("+7" (type . "super")))) ; dominant flat 5 = 7b5 (((0 . 0) (2 . 0) (4 . -1) (6 . -1)) . (("7" (type . "super")) ("accidentals--1" (font . "feta") (type . "super")) ("5" (type . "super")))) ) chord::names-alist-american)) chord = \notes\transpose c''\chords{ \property ChordNames.chordNameStyle = "american" c:m5-.7- % o = diminished seventh chord c:m5-.7 % slashed o = m7b5 c:maj % triangle = maj c:m.7+ % m triangle = minor major seventh chord c:7.5+ % +7 = augmented dominant c:7.5- % 7b5 = hard diminished dominant c:6 % 6 = major triad with added sixth % the rest is just for testing that others look ok c:m % m = minor triad c:m.6 % m6 = minor triad with added sixth } \score{ < \context ChordNames \chord \context Staff \chord > \paper { \translator { \ChordNameContext chordNameWordSpace = #1 } \translator { \LyricsContext textScriptWordSpace = #0.3 } } }