\version "1.3.98" \header { title = "The touch of your lips"; metre = "medium"; composer = "Ray Noble"; tagline = ""; } \include "paper16.ly" melody = \notes \relative c' { \partial 4; \key c \major; \mark "\\fbox{A}"; c4 \bar "||"; | \times 2/3 {d e d} e2 ~ | e g | a4. g8 a2 ~ | a a \break | \stemDown \times 2/3 {b4 c b} \stemBoth c2 ~ | c2 b | bes1 ~ | bes2 a \bar "||"; \break | \mark "\\fbox{B}"; as4. f8 d2 ~ | d2 \times 2/3 {d4 e f} | g4. e8 c2 ~ | c2 c' \break | b gis | fis dis | b1 ~ | b2 c \bar "||";\break | \mark "\\fbox{A}"; \times 2/3 {d4 e d} e2 ~ | e g | a4. g8 a2 ~ | a a \break | \stemDown \times 2/3 {b4 c b} c2 ~ | \stemBoth c2 b | bes1 ~ | bes2 a \bar "||";\break | \mark "\\fbox{C}"; as4. f8 d2 ~ | d4 e \times 2/3 {f as c} | c1 ~ | c2 c \break | \times 2/3 {d4 e d} e2 ~ | e d | c1 ~ | c2 r \bar "|."; } text = \lyrics { The touch of your lips "" up- on my brow; "" your lips that are cool "" and sweet. "" Such ten- der- ness "" lie in their soft ca- ress, "" my heart for- gets to beat. "" The touch of your hands "" up- on my head, "" the love in your eyes "" a- shine; "" and now at last "" the mo- ment di- vine, "" the touch of your lips "" on mine. } orgharm =\chords { \property ChordNamesVoice.ChordNames \push #'style = #"american" r4 c1:maj | r2 g:7.5+ | c1:6 | r2 g:aug7 | c1:6 | r | a:7 | r | d:3-.5-.7 | g:7 | c:maj | fis2:3-.5-.7 b:7 | e1:maj | b:7 | e:maj | r2 g:7 | c1:maj | r2 g:aug7 | c1:6 | r2 g:aug7 | c1:6 | r | a:7 | r | d:3-.5-.7 | g2:7 gis:3-.5-.7- | a1:m7 | d:7 | c/g | g:7 | c:6 | r | } subst =\chords { \property ChordNamesVoice.ChordNames \push #'style = #"american" r4 r1 | d2:m7 g:7.5+ | r es:7 | d:7 g:aug7 | r1 | ges2:7 f:7 | e1:m7.5- | a:7 | r1 | r | r | r | r | r | r2 cis:dim | d:m7 g:7 | r1 | d2:m7 g:7.5+ | r es:7 | d:7 g:aug7 | r1 | ges2:7 f:7 | e1:m7.5- | a:7 | r1 | r | r | r | r2 as:7 | g:sus7 g:7 | r1 | r | } \score { \simultaneous { \context Score { \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'Mark) #'extra-offset = #'(-1 . 4) } %   \context ChordNames=one \subst % \context ChordNames=two \orgharm \addlyrics \context Staff = mel { \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Staff.automaticMelismas = ##t \melody } \context Lyrics \text } \paper { indent = 0.0; \translator{ \ScoreContext \consists "Mark_engraver"; \remove "Bar_number_engraver"; } } }