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First posting: Bar repeats and slashes: to all you jazzers out there

From: Amelie Zapf
Subject: First posting: Bar repeats and slashes: to all you jazzers out there
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 13:21:24 +0100

Dear Lilypond folks,

Hi, I'm Amy from Berlin, Germany, and new to this list. I'm a jazz pianist and
composer looking for a program that can typeset my scores easily under Linux.
I'm perfectly satisfied with Lilypond, yet one thing is bugging me: I haven't
found a way to do bar repeats ( ./.), double bar repeats (./ /.) and slashes
(/) with Lilypond. Is there any way to do that? My fellow musicians would be
screaming if I handed out completely written-out scores....

Thanks for listening,


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