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[gnuastro-commits] master 544884b 2/3: Removed authors by directory list

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 544884b 2/3: Removed authors by directory list from AUTHORS
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:31:01 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 544884b830680bfb6a836065cefb271b8c8d8977
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <address@hidden>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <address@hidden>

    Removed authors by directory list from AUTHORS
    The `genauthors' script is in charge of building `AUTHORS'. Until now, it
    would make one aggregate list of authors for all of Gnuastro and a list for
    each major directory (programs, libraries, documentation). After renaming
    the directory keeping the programs to `bin', Git would no longer recognize
    the correct history easily. Besides that, the detailed list was getting too
    long and complicated, so with this commit, only the aggregate list of
    authors is stored in `AUTHORS'.
 genauthors |   75 ++++--------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/genauthors b/genauthors
index 4fe48c9..8809396 100755
--- a/genauthors
+++ b/genauthors
@@ -92,77 +92,12 @@ fi
 # Print the top of the AUTHORS file.
-echo "GNU Astronomy Utilities authors
-List of authors (and their relative contribution) for this version of GNU
-Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro). The relative contribution is measured by
-the number of commits made in the version controlled history.
+echo "GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) authors
 Generated for $gnuastroversion.
-The format for each author is: [Number of commits] [Name] (email)
-Aggregate list of all authors
-List of all authors irrespective of which part of Gnuastro they contributed
-to with their email address, the rows are ordered alphabetically." > \
-# This extra line is to have a blank line between the explanations and the
-# list.
-echo "" >> "$outauthors"
+Ordered by number of commits in the Git project history.
+" > $1/AUTHORS
 # Generate the aggregate list
-git --git-dir=$1/.git shortlog --summary --email --no-merges >> "$outauthors"
-# For each utility, print the list of authors:
-echo "
-Separated by part of Gnuastro
-Authors listed under the respective part of Gnuastro: utility, libraries,
-or documentation. Note that a single commit might include multiple parts of
-Gnuastro (especially in the libraries and documentation). The authors in
-each part are sorted by the number of commits, see the aggregate list for
-emails." >> "$outauthors"
-# A blank line to separate the list below from the explanations.
-echo "" >> "$outauthors"
-# Go over each part of Gnuastro and add the authors:
-for util in bin/* "lib/" "doc/"; do
-    # Set the name of the utility
-    if   [ $util = bin/arithmetic  ]; then name=Arithmetic
-    elif [ $util = bin/convertt    ]; then name=ConvertType
-    elif [ $util = bin/convolve    ]; then name=Convolve
-    elif [ $util = bin/cosmiccal   ]; then name=CosmicCalculator
-    elif [ $util = bin/header      ]; then name=Header
-    elif [ $util = bin/imgcrop     ]; then name=ImageCrop
-    elif [ $util = bin/imgstat     ]; then name=ImageStatistics
-    elif [ $util = bin/imgwarp     ]; then name=ImageWarp
-    elif [ $util = bin/mkcatalog   ]; then name=MakeCatalog
-    elif [ $util = bin/mknoise     ]; then name=MakeNoise
-    elif [ $util = bin/mkprof      ]; then name=MakeProfile
-    elif [ $util = bin/noisechisel ]; then name=NoiseChisel
-    elif [ $util = bin/subtractsky ]; then name=SubtractSky
-    elif [ $util = bin/table       ]; then name=Table
-    elif [ $util = bin/TEMPLATE    ]; then name=TEMPLATE
-    elif [ $util = lib/            ]; then name=Libraries
-    elif [ $util = doc/            ]; then name=Documentation
-    else echo; echo; echo " $util not recognized!"; exit 1;
-    fi
-    # Fill in the authors of each part:
-    echo $name >> "$outauthors"
-    git --git-dir=$1/.git shortlog --numbered --summary     \
-        --no-merges -- $util >> "$outauthors"
-    echo "" >> "$outauthors"
+git --git-dir=$1/.git shortlog --summary --email --no-merges >> $1/AUTHORS

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