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Re: [open-cobol-list] gdb support from gcc-cobol

From: Bernard Giroud
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] gdb support from gcc-cobol
Date: Tue May 27 13:24:13 2003

Keisuke Nishida a écrit :

> At Sun, 25 May 2003 21:09:48 +0200,
> Bernard Giroud wrote:
> >
> > I think I found what happens: in C, you have the function definition
> > with parameters,
> > and the top level block where the vars are defined. When you call
> > poplevel from
> > cb_end_function, because the flag functionbody is on, the BLOCK_VARS is
> > reset to 0. If that last statement is commented out, we get the vars
> > defined in the
> > assembly file.
> >
> > So I'm currently trying to modify slightly the code of cb_end_function
> > to
> > insert a new block which will hold the needed vars, but with no success
> > ATM:
> > the vars are still not output from the second level block.
> >
> > Is my reasoning wrong ? Any hint would be welcome (See function below.)
> I am not sure.  I encountered the same problem and have not
> investigated it yet.
> Maybe we could start with a tiny front end, apart from gcc-cobol,
> investigate how to generate debugging information, and integrate
> it into gcc-cobol.

Here are the last results:
with function cb_end_function as:

static void
cb_end_function (void)
  tree fn_vars = getdecls(); /* save vars which will be reset by poplevel */
  tree fn_block = poplevel (1, 0, 1);

  /* expand_end_bindings (poplevel (1, 0, 1), 0, 1); */

  BLOCK_VARS (fn_block) = fn_vars; /* and restore them */
  expand_end_bindings (fn_block, 0, 1);
  expand_function_end ("test", 5, 0);
  rest_of_compilation (current_function_decl);

  current_function_decl = NULL_TREE;

I get:

GNU gdb 20030201
Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-linux-gnu"...
.gdbinit:4: Error in sourced command file:
/home/bg/gcc/gcc/gcc/ Error in sourced command file:
Function "fancy_abort" not defined.
(gdb) b t
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80487c3: file /home/bg/test/t.cob, line 17.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/bg/gcc/build/gcc/t.exe

Breakpoint 1, t (b_LK_PARM=0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>)
    at /home/bg/test/t.cob:17
17            move 2 to return-code
(gdb) info scope t
Scope for t:
Symbol b_LK_PARM is an argument at stack/frame offset 8, length 4.
Symbol b_WS_G1 is in static storage at address 0x8049a7b, length 7.
Symbol f_WSNAME2 is in static storage at address 0x8049914, length 12.
Symbol c_1 is in static storage at address 0x8049908, length 12.
Symbol f_WS_NAME is in static storage at address 0x80498fc, length 12.
Symbol b_WS_NAME is in static storage at address 0x8049a78, length 3.
Symbol c_0 is in static storage at address 0x80498f0, length 12.
Symbol i_RETURN_CODE is in static storage at address 0x8049a74, length 4.
Symbol b_WSNAME2 is in static storage at address 0x8049a6c, length 6.
Symbol i is a local variable at frame offset -316, length 4.
Symbol env is in static storage at address 0x8049a64, length 8.
Symbol d is in static storage at address 0x8049a50, length 20.
Symbol f is a local variable at frame offset -312, length 60.
Symbol n is a local variable at frame offset -236, length 4.
Symbol frame_stack is a local variable at frame offset -232, length 200.
Symbol frame_index is a local variable at frame offset -20, length 4.
Symbol tail is a local variable at frame offset -16, length 4.
Symbol head is a local variable at frame offset -12, length 4.
(gdb) p i_RETURN_CODE
$1 = 0
(gdb) set lang cobol
(gdb) p i_RETURN_CODE
No symbol "i_RETURN_CODE" in current context.
(gdb) quit
The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n)

So the scope seems to be OK (and the variables
are seen as static) if language set to "c" (even the
parameter LK-PARM is ok, though meaningless
for a main), but not if I switch to lang "cobol".

This is probably due to the mods I've done in GDB.

The next step should be to change the variable
names to suppress the leading b_ or i_, maybe
make invisible the f_* variables, and, but only
when my mods in GDB are sufficiently ready,
suppress the translation of '-' to '_' in except in

Also, the names of the original file in the assembly
should be altered to reflect the .cob file and not the
.i one.

See the attached generated file t.s.

> Keisuke

Bernard Giroud
GOBOL Developer

        .file   "cci7M1H6.i"
        .stabs  "/home/bg/gcc/build/gcc/",100,0,0,.Ltext0
        .stabs  "/tmp/cci7M1H6.i",100,0,0,.Ltext0
        .stabs  "gcc2_compiled.",60,0,0,0
        .stabs  "int:t(0,1)=r(0,1);-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "char:t(0,2)=r(0,2);0;127;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "long int:t(0,3)=r(0,3);-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "unsigned int:t(0,4)=r(0,4);0;-1;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "long unsigned int:t(0,5)=r(0,5);0;-1;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "long long int:t(0,6)address@hidden;r(0,6);0;-1;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "long long unsigned 
        .stabs  "short int:t(0,8)address@hidden;r(0,8);-32768;32767;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "short unsigned 
        .stabs  "signed char:t(0,10)address@hidden;r(0,10);-128;127;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "unsigned char:t(0,11)address@hidden;r(0,11);0;255;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "float:t(0,12)=r(0,1);4;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "double:t(0,13)=r(0,1);8;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "long double:t(0,14)=r(0,1);12;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "complex 
        .stabs  "complex float:t(0,16)=R3;8;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "complex double:t(0,17)=R4;16;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "complex long double:t(0,18)=R5;24;0;",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "__builtin_va_list:t(0,19)=*(0,2)",128,0,0,0
        .stabs  "_Bool:t(0,20)address@hidden;-16;",128,0,0,0
        .local  initialized.0
        .comm   initialized.0,4,4
        .local  d.1
        .comm   d.1,20,4
        .local  env.2
        .comm   env.2,8,4
        .local  b_WS_NAME2.3
        .comm   b_WS_NAME2.3,6,1
        .local  i_RETURN_CODE.4
        .comm   i_RETURN_CODE.4,4,4
        .section        .rodata
        .ascii  "ab"
        .align 4
        .type   c_0.5, @object
        .size   c_0.5, 12
        .long   2
        .long   .LC2
        .long   cob_alnum_attr
        .local  b_WS_NAME.6
        .comm   b_WS_NAME.6,3,1
        .align 4
        .type   f_WS_NAME.7, @object
        .size   f_WS_NAME.7, 12
        .long   2
        .long   b_WS_NAME.6
        .long   cob_alnum_attr
        .section        .rodata
        .ascii  "fg"
        .align 4
        .type   c_1.8, @object
        .size   c_1.8, 12
        .long   2
        .long   .LC3
        .long   cob_alnum_attr
        .align 4
        .type   f_WS_NAME2.9, @object
        .size   f_WS_NAME2.9, 12
        .long   5
        .long   b_WS_NAME2.3
        .long   cob_alnum_attr
        .local  b_WS_G1.10
        .comm   b_WS_G1.10,7,1
        .section        .rodata
        .ascii  "abc  "
        .ascii  "/home/bg/test/t.cob"
        .stabs  "t:F(0,1)",36,0,22,t
        .stabs  "b_LK_PARM:p(0,21)=*(0,11)",160,0,22,8
.globl t
        .type   t, @function
        .stabs  "test",132,0,0,.Ltext1
        .stabn 68,0,5,.LM1-t
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        subl    $344, %esp
        movl    $env.2, (%esp)
        call    cob_push_environment
        cmpl    $0, initialized.0
        jne     .L2
        call    cob_module_init
        movl    $0, -316(%ebp)
        cmpl    $0, -316(%ebp)
        js      .L5
        jmp     .L4
        movl    -316(%ebp), %edx
        movl    %edx, %eax
        sall    $2, %eax
        addl    %edx, %eax
        sall    $2, %eax
        addl    $d.1, %eax
        movl    %eax, (%esp)
        call    cob_decimal_init
        leal    -316(%ebp), %eax
        incl    (%eax)
        jmp     .L3
        movb    $46, env.2
        movb    $36, env.2+1
        movb    $44, env.2+2
        movl    $5, 8(%esp)
        movl    $.LC0, 4(%esp)
        movl    $b_WS_NAME2.3, (%esp)
        call    memcpy
        movl    $1, initialized.0
        movl    $0, -20(%ebp)
        movl    -20(%ebp), %eax
        movl    $-1, -232(%ebp,%eax,8)
        .stabs  "/home/bg/test/t.cob",132,0,0,.Ltext2
        .stabn 68,0,17,.LM2-t
        movl    $.LC1, cob_source_file
        movl    $17, cob_source_line
        movl    $2, i_RETURN_CODE.4
        .stabn 68,0,18,.LM3-t
        movl    $18, cob_source_line
        movl    $f_WS_NAME.7, 4(%esp)
        movl    $c_0.5, (%esp)
        call    cob_move
        .stabn 68,0,19,.LM4-t
        movl    $19, cob_source_line
        movl    $f_WS_NAME2.9, 4(%esp)
        movl    $c_1.8, (%esp)
        call    cob_move
        .stabn 68,0,20,.LM5-t
        movl    $20, cob_source_line
        movw    $3, b_WS_G1.10
        call    cob_stop_run
        call    cob_pop_environment
        movl    cob_return_code, %eax
        .stabs  "test",132,0,0,.Ltext3
        .stabn 68,0,5,.LM6-t
        .size   t, .-t
        .stabs  "c_1:V(0,24)",38,0,22,c_1.8
        .stabs  "f_WS_NAME:V(0,24)",38,0,22,f_WS_NAME.7
        .stabs  "b_WS_NAME:V(0,27)=ar(0,23);0;2;(0,11)",40,0,22,b_WS_NAME.6
        .stabs  "c_0:V(0,24)",38,0,22,c_0.5
        .stabs  "RETURN-CODE:V(0,1)",40,0,22,i_RETURN_CODE.4
        .stabs  "b_WS_NAME2:V(0,28)=ar(0,23);0;5;(0,11)",40,0,22,b_WS_NAME2.3
        .stabs  "i:(0,1)",128,0,22,-316
        .stabs  "f:(0,33)=ar(0,23);0;4;(0,24)",128,0,22,-312
        .stabs  "n:(0,34)=ar(0,23);0;0;(0,1)",128,0,22,-236
        .stabs  "frame_index:(0,1)",128,0,22,-20
        .stabs  "tail:(0,1)",128,0,22,-16
        .stabs  "head:(0,1)",128,0,22,-12
        .stabs  "",36,0,0,.Lscope0-t
        .stabs  "main:F(0,1)",36,0,22,main
        .stabs  "argc:p(0,1)",160,0,22,8
        .stabs  "argv:p(0,37)=*(0,38)=*(0,2)",160,0,22,12
.globl main
        .type   main, @function
        .stabn 68,0,5,.LM7-main
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        subl    $24, %esp
        movl    12(%ebp), %eax
        movl    %eax, 4(%esp)
        movl    8(%ebp), %eax
        movl    %eax, (%esp)
        call    cob_init
        call    t
        movl    cob_return_code, %eax
        .stabn 68,0,5,.LM8-main
        .size   main, .-main
        .stabs  "wk_test:(0,1)",128,0,22,-4
        .stabs  "",36,0,0,.Lscope1-main
        .stabs "",100,0,0,.Letext
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 3.3 20030503 (prerelease)"

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