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0.1.0 Releases of Forms, Designer, and Common

From: James Thompson
Subject: 0.1.0 Releases of Forms, Designer, and Common
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 01:10:10 -0600 (CST)

During the mailing list migration we noticed that our Nov 21st release
announcement never made it onto our lists.  A copy of that accouncement

The GNU Enterprise team is proud to announce the release of GNUe-Forms
0.1.0, GNUe-Designer 0.1.0, and GNUe-Common 0.1.0.

GNUe-Forms is a platform and UI-independent forms system. It reads an
XML-based forms definition and creates GUIs for Win32, GTK, and, soon,
Curses and HTML. It has a fully data-aware widget set and can be used in
both 2-tier and n-tier environments.

GNUe-Designer is the IDE for the GNUe tools. It allows you to visually
layout your forms in a RAD-style environment. Designer has a builtin forms
client, so you can quickly test your forms while still in Designer.
Designer also now has support for form creation wizards... answer a few
questions, attach your form to a table, select the fields to include, and,
voila, a basic form is created.

GNUe-Common is the basis for the GNUe tools, such as Forms, Reports, and
Designer. It implements a database-abstraction layer that provides support
for most major databases. A builtin XML-to-Object parser and Object-to-XML
marshaller are used by Forms, Reports, and Designer to save and read
Forms/Report definitions to and from an XML file. Work has begun on an
RPC-abstraction layer that will allow server processes to define their
public methods once and have them available to CORBA, XML-RPC, SOAP, and
DCOM clients.

All of these releases are targeted at developers. The three products are
available in source form from our website at

For the first time, we also have Windows installers that include all the
basic dependencies -- you only have to download a single setup.exe! The
Installers include support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and ODBC.

GNUe-Forms 0.1.0, Designer 0.1.0, and Common 0.1.0 have been tested and
are known to run on:
 o GNU/Linux (RedHat 6.x/7.x, Debian 2.x, Slackware 8.0, ...)
 o Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT
 o Solaris 8.0
 o FreeBSD 4.x

Changes to GNUe-Forms 0.1.0:
 o Removed Python 1.5.2 support. (Python 2.x is now required.)
 o Numerous performance improvements
 o Migration to new GNUe common data driver model:
 o Most major databases are now databases supported (See below)
 o Master/detail support has been fine-tuned
 o Suport for a new trigger/event: "On-Print"
 o Support for Win32 platforms (binary installer)
 o Numerous bug fixes

Changes to GNUe-Designer 0.1.0:
 o Added support for new features in GNUe-Forms 0.1.0.
 o Includes Wizard support/Automatic form generation. Wizards are simple
 o  Python scripts that conform to a basic design. A sample wizard is
 o  included.
 o The tree-view now shows icons.
 o Reorder-by-location added (Changes the tab-order based on screen
 o  position)
 o Added support for "deprecated" attributes. If your form already uses a
 o  deprecated attribute, Designer will still let you use it. However,
 o  Designer will not let you create a new form with the deprecated
 o  attribute.
 o First attempt at mouse support for positioning widgets
 o Support for Win32 platform (binary installer)
 o Startup warnings dialogs
 o Many bug fixes and performance enhancements
 o Persistant session information -- Designer remembers the state (window
 o  sizes, position, etc) from the last session and restores them when
 o  Designer is re-opened.

Changes to GNUe-Common 0.1.0:
 o New Database/Backend Support (Not all tested)
 o DB2, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, ODBC, Oracle,
 o PostgreSQL (pygresql, popy, pypgsql, psycopg)
 o MySQL, SAP-DB, Sybase, SQL-Relay
 o Changes required by newer forms, reports, and designer
 o Start of RPC abstraction support
 o Start of support for Formatting Masks
 o Misc bug fixes and enhancements

In other news, GNUe-Reports is coming along nicely in CVS. Expect to see a
release "Real Soon." Also, an HTML UI driver for Forms is well underway in
CVS (thanks madlocke!). This driver runs on top of Webware
( Also, trigger/event support is being reworked and
hopefully plans for it will be finalized soon.

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