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Re: JavaScript hould be independent of input mode; @OnMouseOver is not a

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: JavaScript hould be independent of input mode; @OnMouseOver is not accessible
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 01:03:01 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Victor Engmark wrote:
> <a href="javascript://" OnMouseOver="popup('Default image size:
> 90x120','lightyellow',300);" OnMouseOut="kill()">Photo</a>
> This won't work in several cases:
>    - Graphical browsers where JavaScript is turned off
>    - Textual browsers like Lynx
>    - Audio browsers

I have been unable to get label-title working on w3m and lynx. The F1 key does 
not raise the title text.

  <label title="test">...</label>

> In addition, it can confuse users by having the look and feel of an
> ordinary link, while not doing anything when clicked.

I have fixed it using a <label> instead of <a href>.

Using label is the way you has advised, and it seems to work. Victor, if you 
agree I will add for="id_field" later.

> However, it's relatively easy to fix: Using the "title" attribute on the
> form field label* will result in "hover help" for most browsers, while at
> the same time being semantically correct and accessible. Additional styling
> of @title can be created using JavaScript / CSS.

Using title the message disappear after some seconds, which can not be enough 
to read it if the message is long.

To expose a multiline title it is needed to use JavaScript.

Maybe it is better use just the current JavaScript implementation.

The current behavior-policy is:
  "If the user has not enabled JavaScript he do not get the
   additional, although-not-requited, help supplied by the popups."

> * Another note from looking at the forms is that they are almost completely
> devoid of semantics, while at the same time displaying graphical elements
> easily created using <fieldset> and <label> plus some CSS. This would also
> result in a lot less markup.

A redesign based on <div>, <fieldset>, <label>, etc. is too much work to be 
done for me know.  Maybe when the "HTML 4.01 Strict" or "XHTML 1.0 Strict" 
task be realized this will be one of the subtasks.

> Related links:
> [...]
Very very interesting read!.

P.S.: I have fixed the the scroll bar bug.  Updated at , 
however, as usual, not committed yet to CVS.


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