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Re: GNU Herds - Free Software Association

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: GNU Herds - Free Software Association
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 17:34:27 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

vo minh cat wrote:
> can i enjoy your groups ?

Yes, you can.

> i want to know more about programming

Take a look to the GNU Herds Hackers' Guide at

Get the source code

You have write permission to CVS by being part of the group. However show us 
the patch before committing it. We want to keep the CVS garbage free. We try 
to avoid transitional commits.  Subscribe to the development email list and 
ask anything

P.S.: I am working on this task: . 
After finishing it we will contact RMS to try to move the project to the FSF 

You have to do what you want. An option is just do nothing. Giving feedback is 
a way to help too.  For example, you could register at 
to try the webapp and send your feature request, bugs, ideas, etc. to the 
development email list. You are free to do what you want.

Let us know any task, idea, etc. you would like to carry out. We will help 

Very best regards,

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