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Re: [Gnumed-devel] GnuMed EMR browser

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] GnuMed EMR browser
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:11:57 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 02:52:22PM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> ASCII output in the exporter for 0.1
OK, that's true.

> Eg. the frontend will see no difference.
> > Because it is *unusable*, IMHO we need to grapple with
> > this now, normally I would agree with the priniciple of "get it working
> > first, then optimise"    
> Well, the other option would be to eventually write the async
> fetcher.
I have looked into this, I can't see an easy solution.
wxSockets (which generate events when data comes in off the network) aren't 
in wxPython, as a matter of policy.
EVT_IDLE is too slow as Karsten has said.
Apparently Python has it's own mechanism for asynchronously listening for 
network traffic,
(which is why Robert Dunn refuses to write bindings for wxPython) but I don't 
how this is meant to interact with the wxWindows event loop.

In any case, none of these work with the existing postgres libraries, which, 
firmly synchronous, so we are back to rolling our own. 

Any ideas?


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