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Re: [Gnumed-devel] tracking status of "blob" style path results

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] tracking status of "blob" style path results
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 08:08:22 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20041012)

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

when looking at the stuff I noticed two things:

- test_result already has a fk_doc which can be used to link
  to a
Yes, you forgot to wind that one back ;-)
- test_result.val_alpha is a TEXT - as long as your incoming
  path stuff is text I am fine with it being stored there,
OK, that's good. In principle, I still want tracking for binary blobs (faxes 
and scanned stuff),
Linking lab_result.fk_doc->med_doc->doc_obj seems a little ugly, but if that's 
the "least worst" solution I'm happy with it.

I still need a simple table for unmatched results, something like:

create table unmatched_results
        likely_ids integer [], -- the matching algorithm's list of top 
        accession datetime, -- when this was uploaded
        firstname varchar (128), -- this allows a common UI for matching 
despite different input formats
        lastnames varchar (128),
        dob date,
        postcode varchar (64).
        contents text [], -- the raw message
Oh, and I was thinking, could we have a backend table for client logs? This 
could help for
clients running in 'strange' places where they can't have their own file-based 

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