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Re: [Gnumed-devel] force-opening a gif (or other files) on Mac

From: James Busser
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] force-opening a gif (or other files) on Mac
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 08:02:16 -0800

On 1-Jan-08, at 7:04 AM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

I slightly modified the GNUmed code to map mime type to
extension via its own file on *all* systems if it seems

Is it possible that without the above modification, GNUmed would have ignored such a file (under Mac OS) even if it existed? It seemed to make no difference that I created and deposited a mime_type2file_extension.conf in both
as well as into

but perhaps something wrong with the syntax I supplied (below ===) .

By the way, I am guessing that the syntax permits only one filetype (extension) be provided per MIME type and so, when more than one are possible:

1) how would the multiple options be handled for example the following? Arbitrary selection

text/html = htm,html
image/jpeg = jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfif,pjpeg,pjp
image/tiff = tiff,tif

2) must the file subtype (e.g. the form of a word-processed document or a spreadsheet) be identified and saved with the object at the time of archiving, and then passed along at the time of trying to view the document? Probably the suppliers of the documents should be sending an interchangeable format like Rich Text Format instead of a poorly- interchangeable format... I doubt users will be reliably able to do their own conversions before storing such things.



# set extension for bitmap files (mime type <image/x-bmp>) to "bmp"
# (IOW, they should read "<filename>.bmp" when passed to the OS for viewing)
#Content-Type --> File Suffix
image/bmp = bmp
image/fif = fif
image/gif = gif
image/ief = ief
image/ifs = ifs
image/jpeg = jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfif,pjpeg,pjp
image/png = png
image/tiff = tiff,tif
image/vnd = dwg,svf
image/wavelet = wi
image/x-cmu-raster = ras
image/x-photo-cd = pcd
image/x-portable-anymap = pnm
image/x-portable-bitmap = pbm
image/x-portable-graymap = pgm
image/x-portable-pixmap = ppm
image/x-rgb = rgb
image/x-xbitmap = xbm
image/x-xpixmap = xpm
image/x-xwindowdump = xwd
text/html = htm,html
text/plain = txt
text/richtext = rtx
text/tab-separated-values = tsv
text/x-setext = etx
text/x-speech = talk
video/isivideo = fvi
video/mpeg = mpeg,mpg,mpe,mpv,vbs,mpegv
video/msvideo = avi
video/quicktime = qt,mov,moov
video/vivo = viv,vivo
video/wavelet = wv
video/x-mpeg2 = mpv2,mp2v
video/x-sgi-movie = movie
application/msword = doc
application/pdf = pdf
application/postscript = ps
application/ = xls
application/ = ppt
application/x-latex = latex
application/x-msmetafile = wmf
application/x-tex = tex
audio/midi = midi,mid
audio/x-aiff = aif,aiff,aifc
audio/x-wav = wav
drawing/x-dwf = dwf

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