CREATE TABLE clerical.bookings ( pk bigserial NOT NULL, fk_patient integer, fk_staff integer NOT NULL, "begin" timestamp without time zone, duration interval, notes text, fk_staff_booked integer NOT NULL, booked_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), fk_clinic integer NOT NULL, deleted boolean DEFAULT false, fk_lu_appointment_icon integer, fk_lu_appointment_status integer DEFAULT 1, CONSTRAINT bookings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk), CONSTRAINT bookings_booked_by_fkey FOREIGN KEY (fk_staff_booked) REFERENCES "admin".staff (pk) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT bookings_fk_staff_fkey FOREIGN KEY (fk_staff) REFERENCES "admin".staff (pk) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); COMMENT ON TABLE clerical.bookings IS 'list of all bookings past and future. Note fk_patient can be NULL for non-patient things: meetings, holidays etc'; CREATE TABLE clerical.lu_appointment_icons ( pk serial NOT NULL, appointment_type text NOT NULL, icon_path text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT lu_appointment_icons_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE clerical.lu_appointment_status ( pk serial NOT NULL, status text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT lu_appointment_status_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); COMMENT ON TABLE clerical.lu_appointment_status IS 'the status of the appointment as it applies to patient: arrived (color code blue), seeing clinician (red), gray (patient gone)'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW clerical.vwappointments AS SELECT, bookings.fk_patient, bookings.fk_staff, bookings.begin, bookings.duration, bookings.notes, bookings.fk_staff_booked, bookings.fk_clinic, bookings.fk_lu_appointment_icon, bookings.fk_lu_appointment_status, bookings.deleted, data_patients.fk_person, data_persons.firstname, data_persons.surname, data_persons.birthdate,, lu_title.title, ((lu_title.title || ' '::text) || (data_persons.firstname || ' '::text)) || (data_persons.surname || ' '::text) AS wholename FROM clerical.bookings LEFT JOIN clerical.data_patients ON bookings.fk_patient = LEFT JOIN contacts.data_persons ON data_patients.fk_person = LEFT JOIN contacts.lu_sex ON data_persons.fk_sex = LEFT JOIN contacts.lu_title ON data_persons.fk_title = ORDER BY bookings.begin;