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[Gnumed-update] - properly set booster/seq_no in the face of the patient

From: ihaywood
Subject: [Gnumed-update] - properly set booster/seq_no in the face of the patient [...]
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 00:00:14 -0400

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:09 EDT)

- properly set booster/seq_no in the face of the patient
  not being on any vaccination schedule

  gnumed  gnumed/client/business/  1.150

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:11 EDT)

- add is_booster/seq_no as pseudo columns to _cmd_fetch_payload so
  __init_from_pk() automagically creates all the right things
- enhance _init_from_row_data() to construct those fields if need be
- make __setitem__ aware of is_booster/seq_no being pseudo columns
  that do not affect _is_modified

  gnumed  gnumed/client/business/  1.15

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:13 EDT)

- __init_from_row_data -> _init_from_row_data so we can override it
- more sanity checks

  gnumed  gnumed/client/pycommon/  1.3

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:16 EDT)

- make wxNewId() call internal to classes so that
  "import <a class> from <us>" works properly
- cleanup, properly use helpers
- properly deal with save_payload/add_vaccination results
- rearrange middle panel to include active schedules

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.11

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:17 EDT)

- robustify should there not be an active patient

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.4

Commit from ncq (2004-10-27 08:18 EDT)

- insignificant cleanup

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.7
  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.10

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