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[GNUnet-SVN] [gnunet] 02/02: test_integration_boostrap_and_connect: flak

From: gnunet
Subject: [GNUnet-SVN] [gnunet] 02/02: test_integration_boostrap_and_connect: flake8
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 19:02:07 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ng0 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnunet.

commit 4d34c5de8369158f903f2b709e7999cd7b9340c2
Author: Nils Gillmann <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Wed May 23 17:02:33 2018 +0000

    test_integration_boostrap_and_connect: flake8
    Signed-off-by: Nils Gillmann <address@hidden>
 .../   | 280 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 143 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/integration-tests/ 
index 01e36f81c..2a7768c6a 100755
--- a/src/integration-tests/
+++ b/src/integration-tests/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 #    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 import signal
 import sys
 import os
@@ -29,177 +29,183 @@ from gnunet_testing import Peer
 from gnunet_testing import Test
 from gnunet_testing import Check
 from gnunet_testing import Condition
-from gnunet_testing import * 
+from gnunet_testing import *
 # This test tests if a fresh peer bootstraps from a hostlist server and then
-# successfully connects to the server 
+# successfully connects to the server
 # Conditions for successful exit:
 # Both peers have 1 connected peer in transport, core, topology, fs
 # This test tests if a fresh peer bootstraps from a hostlist server and then
-# successfully connects to the server 
+# successfully connects to the server
 # Conditions for successful exit:
 # Both peers have 1 connected peer in transport, core, topology, fs
+# definitions
 testname = "test_integration_bootstrap_and_connect"
 verbose = False
 check_timeout = 180
 if == "nt":
-  tmp = os.getenv ("TEMP")
-  signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]
+    tmp = os.getenv("TEMP")
+    signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]
-  tmp = "/tmp"
-  signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGQUIT]
-def cleanup_onerror (function, path, excinfo):
-  import stat
-  if not os.path.exists (path):
-    pass
-  elif not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
-    # Is the error an access error ?
-    os.chmod (path, stat.S_IWUSR)
-    function (path)
-  else:
-    raise
-def cleanup ():
+    tmp = "/tmp"
+    signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGQUIT]
+def cleanup_onerror(function, path, excinfo):
+    import stat
+    if not os.path.exists(path):
+        pass
+    elif not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
+        # Is the error an access error ?
+        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR)
+        function(path)
+    else:
+        raise
+def cleanup():
     retries = 10
-    path = os.path.join (tmp, "c_bootstrap_server")  
-    test.p ("Removing " + path)      
+    path = os.path.join(tmp, "c_bootstrap_server")
+    test.p("Removing " + path)
     while ((os.path.exists(path)) and (retries > 0)):
-        shutil.rmtree ((path), False, cleanup_onerror)
-        time.sleep (1)
+        shutil.rmtree((path), False, cleanup_onerror)
+        time.sleep(1)
         retries -= 1
     if (os.path.exists(path)):
-        test.p ("Failed to remove " + path) 
+        test.p("Failed to remove " + path)
     retries = 10
-    path = os.path.join (tmp, "c_no_nat_client")    
-    test.p ("Removing " + path)    
+    path = os.path.join(tmp, "c_no_nat_client")
+    test.p("Removing " + path)
     while ((os.path.exists(path)) and (retries > 0)):
-        shutil.rmtree ((path), False, cleanup_onerror)
-        time.sleep (1)
+        shutil.rmtree((path), False, cleanup_onerror)
+        time.sleep(1)
         retries -= 1
     if (os.path.exists(path)):
-        test.p ("Failed to remove " + path)     
-def success_cont (check):
+        test.p("Failed to remove " + path)
+def success_cont(check):
     global success
-    success = True;
+    success = True
     print('Peers connected successfully')
-def fail_cont (check):    
-    global success 
-    success = False;
+def fail_cont(check):
+    global success
+    success = False
     print('Peers did not connect')
-def check ():
-  check = Check (test)
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (client, 'transport', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (client, 'core', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (client, 'topology', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (client, 'dht', '# peers connected',1))  
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (client, 'fs', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (server, 'transport', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (server, 'core', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (server, 'topology', '# peers connected',1))
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (server, 'dht', '# peers connected',1))  
-  check.add (StatisticsCondition (server, 'fs', '# peers connected',1))  
-  check.run_blocking (check_timeout, success_cont, fail_cont)
+def check():
+    check = Check(test)
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(client, 'transport', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(client, 'core', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(client, 'topology', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(client, 'dht', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(client, 'fs', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(server, 'transport', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(server, 'core', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(server, 'topology', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(server, 'dht', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.add(StatisticsCondition(server, 'fs', '# peers connected', 1))
+    check.run_blocking(check_timeout, success_cont, fail_cont)
 # Test execution
-def SigHandler(signum = None, frame = None):
-       global success  
-       global server
-       global client  
-       print('Test was aborted!')
-       if (None != server):
-               server.stop ()
-       if (None != client):            
-               client.stop ()
-       cleanup ()
-       sys.exit(success)
-def run ():
-       global success
-       global test
-       global server
-       global client    
-       server = None
-       client = None
-       success = False  
-       for sig in signals:
-               signal.signal(sig, SigHandler)
-       test = Test ('', verbose)
-       cleanup ()
-       server = Peer(test, './confs/c_bootstrap_server.conf');
-       client = Peer(test, './confs/c_no_nat_client.conf');
-       if (True != server.start()):
-               print('Failed to start server')
-               if (None != server):
-                       server.stop ()
-               if (None != server):            
-                       client.stop ()
-               cleanup ()
-               sys.exit(success)
-       # Give the server time to start
-       time.sleep(5)
-       if (True != client.start()):
-               print('Failed to start client')
-               if (None != server):
-                       server.stop ()
-               if (None != server):            
-                       client.stop ()
-               cleanup ()
-               sys.exit(success)
-       if ((client.started == True) and (server.started == True)):
-               test.p ('Peers started, running check')
-               time.sleep(5)
-               check ()
-       server.stop ()
-       client.stop ()
-       cleanup ()
-       if (success == False):
-               print ('Test failed')
-               return False 
-       else:
-               return True
+def SigHandler(signum=None, frame=None):
+    global success
+    global server
+    global client
+    print('Test was aborted!')
+    if (None != server):
+        server.stop()
+    if (None != client):
+        client.stop()
+    cleanup()
+    sys.exit(success)
+def run():
+    global success
+    global test
+    global server
+    global client
+    server = None
+    client = None
+    success = False
+    for sig in signals:
+        signal.signal(sig, SigHandler)
+    test = Test('', verbose)
+    cleanup()
+    server = Peer(test, './confs/c_bootstrap_server.conf')
+    client = Peer(test, './confs/c_no_nat_client.conf')
+    if (True != server.start()):
+        print('Failed to start server')
+        if (None != server):
+            server.stop()
+        if (None != server):
+            client.stop()
+        cleanup()
+        sys.exit(success)
+    # Give the server time to start
+    time.sleep(5)
+    if (True != client.start()):
+        print('Failed to start client')
+        if (None != server):
+            server.stop()
+        if (None != server):
+            client.stop()
+        cleanup()
+        sys.exit(success)
+    if ((client.started == True) and (server.started == True)):
+        test.p('Peers started, running check')
+        time.sleep(5)
+        check()
+    server.stop()
+    client.stop()
+    cleanup()
+    if (success == False):
+        print('Test failed')
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
-       run ()
-except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):    
-       print('Test interrupted')
-       server.stop ()
-       client.stop ()
-       cleanup ()
+    run()
+except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+    print('Test interrupted')
+    server.stop()
+    client.stop()
+    cleanup()
 if (success == False):
-       sys.exit(1)   
+    sys.exit(1)
-       sys.exit(0)    
+    sys.exit(0)

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