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_fstat workaround for -[GSFileHandle initWithFileDescriptor:closeOnDeall

From: Tom Koelman
Subject: _fstat workaround for -[GSFileHandle initWithFileDescriptor:closeOnDealloc:]
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:37:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.090015 (Oort Gnus v0.15) Emacs/21.2


I discovered that _fstat(desc, &sbuf) always < 0 when desc is a socket
under MinGW. As far as I understand it it shouldn't, but unfortenately
it does (under Windows 2000 anyway). This means that isStandardFile
won't get NO, so the socket code won't get executed. 
I worked around it by making the socket code execute regardless the
value of isStandardFile and then setting isStandardFile to NO if a
socket specific call fails.


Attachment: patchfile.patch
Description: _fstat MiNGW workaround

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