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DER Parser

From: Tarun Upadhyay
Subject: DER Parser
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 13:42:57 +0530

Hi all,

I have just completed a DER Certificate Parser in Flex.
For the want of CVS access, I am sending it attached for review (hopefully,
there are not too many people on the list !!)
Currently the display is not indented but I will do that asap

To Do List:
1. move the parser out of Flex and into 'real' C.
2. check it for bugs and add support for indented display.
3. provide interface to allow function calls to be made to read a particular
attribute of the certificate. (somewhat like cert in SSLeay)
4. may be provide a DER2XML utility.

I plan to do all this by the next weekend.
If anybody could point me to a few assorted DER certificates for debugging
and testing, I will be obliged.

With Warm Regards
Tarun Upadhyay

Attachment: cert.lex
Description: Binary data

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