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[gnutls-dev] autoconf version handling

From: Timo Schulz
Subject: [gnutls-dev] autoconf version handling
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 13:44:36 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)


Is it correct that the current
version does not check for required third party
library versions?

I mean how do we differ between 0.5.13 and
the new 0.6.0 lib?

I tried to find a 'AM_PATH_GPG_ERROR' like macro or
'AC_CHECK_PTH' like macro but I did not find anything.

The changes are ready to commit. The code currently
depends on the unreleased 0.6.0 version of opencdk.
When we are sure that the openpgp code in GnuTLS does
not need more interfaces/functions, I will release 0.6.0.
Of course the newest opencdk code is available via the CVS.

My test to check the code was:
./gnutls-cli --debug 6 --ctypes openpgp \
             --pgpcertfile openpgp/cli_pub.asc \
             --pgpkeyfile openpgp/cli_sec.asc \
             -p 5556

Is there anything I can try to test the code?


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