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Re: Features removed from gnutlsxx

From: Sam Varshavchik
Subject: Re: Features removed from gnutlsxx
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:52:24 -0400

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos writes:

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Sam Varshavchik <address@hidden> wrote:

>>  Unfortunately this was removed because I couldn't mix deprecated
>> attribute with C++. You'd have to either call the deprecate function
>> from your code, or use the gnutls_priority_set_direct(). Unfortunately
>> the C++ interface isn't actively supported and it only supports a very
>> small subset of gnutls' interface. I'm not sure whether shipping it is
>> something useful for c++ projects.
> FWIW, I've implemented my own C++ classes for gnutls.

Would you be interested in submitting as a replacement of the current c++ api?

I do intend to release the code at some point later, hopefully this year. but it's a part of a larger collection C++ classes and uses a common foundation, so it'll work better as a standalone library. Also, some classes are Linux-centric, such as the API for the Linux kernel's event file descriptors; also timer and signal file descriptors. It's not something that's amenable to getting carved out; the gnutls classes are not at the bottom of the class hierarchy, but inherit some shared stuff.

It's nice and fun writing library code, but writing a usable application or a tool is really the only way to prove that a library is actually practical. So, I need to write something useful, first…

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