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Re: [gpsd-dev] Skytraq binary support for Venus838

From: Kai Harrekilde-Petersen
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] Skytraq binary support for Venus838
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:53:35 +0100
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Hi Gary,

Sorry for the late reply, but I was away on a business trip.

On 12-03-2018 23:21, Gary E. Miller wrote:
Yo Kai!

On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 14:38:14 +0100
Kai Harrekilde-Petersen <address@hidden> wrote:

I have been hacking away on Gary's Skytraq (Venus6) driver to get it
to support the binary mode as well as baudrate and update rate
changes (-s and -c) with some success.
Patches are forthcoming. I have a few general patches (like max baudrate) which I think would be best to send separately, and then there are quite some changes to the Skytraq driver. Maybe it would be best if I send things to you for review before delivering a "real" patch?

In NMEA mode, the S1216 works out of the box (up to 50Hz fixes!)

Yeah, it is possibly the fastest commercial GPS you can get your hands on. I plan to use it as a laptimer/datalogger on my motorcycle, together with logging accelerations and rotational angles using the 9-DOF MPU-9250 chip. This is quite different from 'normal' use so I'm not sure if I'll use gpsd in the end or not.

If I turn on all messages (which is a lot), I get some previously
un-handled/unknown sentences ("$GPDTM", "$GPGRS", and "$PSTI,003" ),
which I promptly made driver_nmea0183.c ignore.
Sooner or later, soone will want them.

I agree with your point, but since I'm a GPS programming noob, I don't know how I could make GPSd use them effectively. I just wanted to stop the NMEA driver from complaining about them.

It seems like [xc]gps wants the equivalent of GPGSA/GPGSV in order to
be happy, and I haven't found a way of getting this data, outside
going back to NMEA mode.
The trick is in the mask.  Look in gpsd_json.c, in function json_data_report().
The TPV is output when the REPORT_IS mask bit is set.

Perfect, this was the missing bit. I looked through the proto driver, and from the comments there, I decided to set both CLEAR_IS and REPORT_IS. From there I just had to fix an endianess bug on the time-of-week and now it is working pretty smoothly.

One question: you've added the sky_msg_NN messages (DC, DD, DE, DF, E0, E2, E3) that I don't find in the documentation I have (Venus6: AN0003 v1.4.19, Venus8: AN0028 v1.4.42) and I don't see my Venus8 emitting these messages. Could you send me any documentation you have on these?

Best regards,


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