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Re: [gpsd-users] How can I see if a GPS module reacts to RTCM messages I

From: Chris Kuethe
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] How can I see if a GPS module reacts to RTCM messages I send to it?
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 23:47:14 -0700

Pretty much any receiver will have a fix quality indication that
includes 2d, 3d, or 3d+dgps - and gpsmon can display this.

Just guessing, since it's been a while since I last looked a a ublox manual:
- set the dgps source to serial (ie, disable SBAS)
- don't feed corrections in, wait for fix
- observe 3D uncorrected mode
- start feeding in corrections over serial
- wait for fix mode to switch to dgps

I think there's a UBX message that indicates DGPS status.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Svenn Are Bjerkem
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a NEO-6M bare module which I attach to the host PC with a FTDI serial
> to USB cable.
> Starting gpsd in debug mode with -N -D 5 shows me that gpsd starts. Starting
> cgps shows a lot of debug messages, and I see that gpsd switches NEO-6M into
> UBX mode. Using a program like foxtrotgps shows me that I am getting correct
> positions from the module outside in my garden.
> Now, I have applied for a username and a password for experimental use of
> NTRIP in Europe. I apply the most close mountpoint (baseline 130km) to the
> command line and start gpsd again. In the log, I can see that gpsd contacts
> the NTRIP server (or is it caster) and get data from it. However, I am not
> able to tell if the NEO-6M module is reacting to whatever RTCM messages is
> being sent to it. The lattitude, longitude and altitude error indicators in
> cgps does not change to the better or worse with or without RTCM messages
> from NTRIP.
> I have used the NTRIP inspecting features of RTKLIB to inspect which
> sattelites the mountpoint at the "base" station sees, and the bird numbers
> in the base correspond to the bird numbers indicated in xgps. I know the
> base line is a tad long, but I was hoping to see at least a bit more
> accuracy than EGNOS which I think (but not know for sure) the NEO-6M is
> using automatically
> This became TL;DR; but core question is: Where in the log can I see if a GPS
> module react to RTCM messages?
> Kind regards,
> --
> Svenn

GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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