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[Groff] sortbib

From: Robert D. Goulding
Subject: [Groff] sortbib
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 00:15:29 -0500 (EST)

I wanted to sort my refer bibliographies, but groff doesn't come with
sortbib and I couldn't get the source-code (BSD?) posted here to work
under linux... so here is a very simple replacement, which uses refer
itself to do the dirty work of sorting (on any fields, specified after the
-f flag, in normal refer form: so A1D1 (the default) sorts on the first
author field, then the first date field).  The only unfortunate side
effect (AFAIK) is that it also sorts the *fields* within each *record*,
since this is what refer does (BTW, could a switch be added to refer so
that it doesn't sort them - it should have no effect on the actual typeset
output, I think).  Oh, and it also removes any newlines within a field (an
annotation, for instance).  Neither of these, of course, has any important
effect when the file is used.

Robert Goulding
Society of Fellows
Joseph Henry House
Princeton NJ 08544

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