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Re: [Groff] -mm equations (revisited)

From: Joergen Haegg
Subject: Re: [Groff] -mm equations (revisited)
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 10:04:04 +0100

In message <address@hidden> you write:
> (Another question: Why not add a -ms compatibility layer to -mm, for 
> example, .MSEQ L instead of the lengthy -mm prologue?) This way we would all 
> get our TOCs going without awk and standard error support. 

MS and MM are two different macro packages, I don't quite see the
point of using them together.

> groff is growing old too, it should be packed with features like these by 
> now. Or rather, my experience with other programs is, that ppl who stick to 
> old versions of a program (not necessarily groff) for some reason, try to 
> mimick features from advanced version in their older programs using existing 
> (older) functionality. 

Personally I use groff because it is fast and I also like the
simplicity with using normal text files that I don't have to edit
with special WYSIWY(M)G-tools  ((M) -> 'Maybe' ;-).

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