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[Groff] Re: new groff release

From: Mike FABIAN
Subject: [Groff] Re: new groff release
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:53:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (celeriac, linux)

"Bernd Warken" <address@hidden> さんは書きました:

> Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> schrieb am 07.05.04 09:10:29:
>>> I could even just drop that new version of groffer into the Debian
>>> package; no problem with that.
>> Personally, I would favor that instead of releasing 1.18.2.  Bernd?
> Fine.  But the update should not be limited to Debian.  So the normal
> groff-1.18x source should be updated as well. 
> I do not how how to inform the other free software distributions,
> such as SUSE or FreeBSD, about the change.

Where can I get that new version of groffer? Just use the
one from groff-1.19.1/contrib/groffer/ ?

Mike FABIAN   <address@hidden>

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