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Re: ZFS on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

From: Robert Millan
Subject: Re: ZFS on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 19:07:42 +0200


This has been on my radar for a while now, I'll have a look at it
(today I start my vacation and have some spare time (but don't hold
your breath...)).

2010/7/21, Seth Goldberg <address@hidden>:
> The main problem is that the st_dev that you'll get from a call to stat() of
> a file on a ZFS filesystem won't match the major/minor of any device in /dev
> (at least on Solaris).  You have to look deeper to figure out the pool name,
> then query the pool to figure out its devices.

I guess the API exported by libzfs can serve for this?  But first, I
have some concern about zfs.mod, I'll write a detailed mail about that

> And if you're REALLY good,
> you'd invoke grub-setup for each member of a root pool mirror :).

Uhm this sounds wrong, grub-setup isn't meant to handle filesystems
(it does something like you describe for RAID1, but only because it
can rely on the storage backend being 1:1).

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