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[Guile-commits] 01/01: Add optimization pass over CPS2

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 01/01: Add optimization pass over CPS2
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 19:54:46 +0000

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit ef5f2fcaaa787187f1f4763b000f32cccf055fc3
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue May 12 21:53:42 2015 +0200

    Add optimization pass over CPS2
    * module/language/cps2/optimize.scm: New file.
    * module/language/cps2/simplify.scm: New file, factored out of
    * module/language/cps/simplify2.scm: Remove, as it's obsolete.
    * module/language/cps2/compile-cps.scm: Optimize the CPS.
    * module/ Adapt for added and deleted files.
 module/                   |    3 +-
 module/language/cps/simplify2.scm    |  747 ----------------------------------
 module/language/cps2/compile-cps.scm |    4 +-
 module/language/cps2/optimize.scm    |   56 +++
 module/language/cps2/simplify.scm    |  237 +++++++++++
 5 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 749 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index 8c4480f..145b04f 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ CPS_LANG_SOURCES =                                          
   language/cps/self-references.scm                             \
   language/cps/slot-allocation.scm                             \
   language/cps/simplify.scm                                    \
-  language/cps/simplify2.scm                                   \
   language/cps/spec.scm                                                \
   language/cps/specialize-primcalls.scm                                \
   language/cps/type-fold.scm                                   \
@@ -151,6 +150,8 @@ CPS2_LANG_SOURCES =                                         
   language/cps2.scm                                            \
   language/cps2/compile-cps.scm                                        \
   language/cps2/renumber.scm                                   \
+  language/cps2/optimize.scm                                   \
+  language/cps2/simplify.scm                                   \
   language/cps2/spec.scm                                       \
diff --git a/module/language/cps/simplify2.scm 
deleted file mode 100644
index d819a7a..0000000
--- a/module/language/cps/simplify2.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
-;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
-;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; The fundamental lambda calculus reductions, like beta and eta
-;;; reduction and so on.  Pretty lame currently.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (language cps simplify2)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
-  #:use-module (language cps)
-  #:use-module (language cps intset)
-  #:use-module (language cps intmap)
-  #:export (simplify2))
-;; advantages of cps2: little recursion so evaluator doesn't consume too
-;; much stack at boot time, rewriting can share more state for conts
-;; that don't need rewrites, transformations can use dominators instead
-;; of scoping approximation, redomination isn't a thing that needs to
-;; happen, more functional techniques... easy detection of when no
-;; transformation is necessary, transform-conts...
-(define-syntax build-term
-  (syntax-rules (unquote $rec $continue)
-    ((_ (unquote exp))
-     exp)
-    ((_ ($continue k src exp))
-     (build-cps-term ($continue k src exp)))))
-(define-syntax-rule (build-cont-body cont)
-  (match (build-cps-cont (#f cont))
-    (($ $cont k x) x)))
-(define-syntax build-cont
-  (syntax-rules (unquote $kreceive $kargs $kfun $ktail $kclause)
-    ((_ (unquote exp))
-     exp)
-    ((_ ($kreceive req rest kargs))
-     (build-cont-body ($kreceive req rest kargs)))
-    ((_ ($kargs (name ...) (unquote syms) body))
-     (build-cont-body ($kargs (name ...) (unquote syms)
-                        ,(build-term body))))
-    ((_ ($kargs (name ...) (sym ...) body))
-     (build-cont-body ($kargs (name ...) (sym ...) ,(build-term body))))
-    ((_ ($kargs names syms body))
-     (build-cont-body ($kargs names syms ,(build-term body))))
-    ((_ ($kfun src meta self ktail kclause))
-     (build-cont-body ($kfun src meta self ,ktail ,kclause)))
-    ((_ ($ktail))
-     (build-cont-body ($ktail)))
-    ((_ ($kclause arity cont alternate))
-     (build-cont-body ($kclause arity ,cont ,alternate)))))
-(define-syntax-rule (rewrite-term x (pat term) ...)
-  (match x
-    (pat (build-term term))
-    ...))
-(define-syntax-rule (rewrite-cont x (pat cont) ...)
-  (match x
-    (pat (build-cont cont))
-    ...))
-(define (fun->conts fun)
-  (define conts empty-intmap)
-  (define (visit-cont-body cont)
-    (rewrite-cont cont
-      (($ $kargs names syms body)
-       ($kargs names syms ,(visit-term body)))
-      (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-       ($kfun src meta self (visit-cont tail)
-         (and clause (visit-cont clause))))
-      (($ $kclause arity body alternate)
-       ($kclause ,arity (visit-cont body)
-                 (and alternate (visit-cont alternate))))
-      (($ $kreceive)
-       ,cont)
-      (($ $ktail)
-       ,cont)))
-  (define (visit-cont cont)
-    (match cont
-      (($ $cont label cont)
-       (let ((cont (visit-cont-body cont)))
-         (set! conts (intmap-add! conts label cont)))
-       label)))
-  (define (visit-term term)
-    (match term
-      (($ $letk conts body)
-       (for-each visit-cont conts)
-       (visit-term body))
-      (($ $continue k src (and ($ $fun) fun))
-       (build-term ($continue k src ,(visit-fun fun))))
-      (($ $continue k src ($ $rec names syms funs))
-       (build-term ($continue k src ($rec names syms (map visit-fun funs)))))
-      (($ $continue k src exp)
-       term)))
-  (define (visit-fun fun)
-    (rewrite-cps-exp fun
-      (($ $fun body)
-       ($fun ,(visit-cont body)))))
-  (let ((kfun (visit-cont fun)))
-    (values (persistent-intmap conts) kfun)))
-(define (compute-function-body conts kfun)
-  (persistent-intset
-   (let visit-cont ((label kfun) (labels empty-intset))
-     (cond
-      ((intset-ref labels label) labels)
-      (else
-       (let ((labels (intset-add! labels label)))
-         (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-           (($ $kreceive arity k) (visit-cont k labels))
-           (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause)
-            (let ((labels (visit-cont ktail labels)))
-              (if kclause
-                  (visit-cont kclause labels)
-                  labels)))
-           (($ $ktail) labels)
-           (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-            (if kalt
-                (visit-cont kalt (visit-cont kbody labels))
-                (visit-cont kbody labels)))
-           (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-            (visit-cont k (match exp
-                            (($ $branch k)
-                             (visit-cont k labels))
-                            (($ $callk k)
-                             (visit-cont k labels))
-                            (($ $prompt escape? tag k)
-                             (visit-cont k labels))
-                            (_ labels)))))))))))
-(define-inlinable (fold1 f l s0)
-  (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0))
-    (match l
-      (() s0)
-      ((elt . l) (lp l (f elt s0))))))
-(define-inlinable (fold2 f l s0 s1)
-  (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0) (s1 s1))
-    (match l
-      (() (values s0 s1))
-      ((elt . l)
-       (call-with-values (lambda () (f elt s0 s1))
-         (lambda (s0 s1)
-           (lp l s0 s1)))))))
-(define (intset-fold f set seed)
-  (let lp ((i 0) (seed seed))
-    (match (intset-next set i)
-      (#f seed)
-      (i (lp (1+ i) (f i seed))))))
-(define (intset-fold2 f set s0 s1)
-  (let lp ((i 0) (s0 s0) (s1 s1))
-    (match (intset-next set i)
-      (#f (values s0 s1))
-      (i (call-with-values (lambda () (f i s0 s1))
-           (lambda (s0 s1)
-             (lp (1+ i) s0 s1)))))))
-(define (intset->intmap f set)
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intset-fold (lambda (label preds)
-                  (intmap-add! preds label (f label)))
-                set empty-intmap)))
-(define (intmap-fold f map seed)
-  (let lp ((i 0) (seed seed))
-    (match (intmap-next map i)
-      (#f seed)
-      (i (lp (1+ i) (f i (intmap-ref map i) seed))))))
-(define* (compute-predecessors conts kfun #:key
-                               (labels (compute-function-body conts kfun)))
-  (define (meet cdr car)
-    (cons car cdr))
-  (define (add-preds label preds)
-    (define (add-pred k preds)
-      (intmap-add! preds k label meet))
-    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-      (($ $kreceive arity k)
-       (add-pred k preds))
-      (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause)
-       (add-pred ktail (if kclause (add-pred kclause preds) preds)))
-      (($ $ktail)
-       preds)
-      (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-       (add-pred kbody (if kalt (add-pred kalt preds) preds)))
-      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-       (add-pred k
-                 (match exp
-                   (($ $branch k) (add-pred k preds))
-                   (($ $prompt _ _ k) (add-pred k preds))
-                   (_ preds))))))
-  (persistent-intmap
-   (intset-fold add-preds labels
-                (intset->intmap (lambda (label) '()) labels))))
-(define (worklist-fold f in out)
-  (if (eq? in empty-intset)
-      out
-      (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out))
-        (lambda (in out)
-          (worklist-fold f in out)))))
-(define (worklist-fold2 f in out0 out1)
-  (if (eq? in empty-intset)
-      (values out0 out1)
-      (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out0 out1))
-        (lambda (in out0 out1)
-          (worklist-fold2 f in out0 out1)))))
-(define* (compute-tail-path-lengths conts kfun preds)
-  (define (add-lengths labels lengths length)
-    (intset-fold (lambda (label lengths)
-                   (intmap-add! lengths label length))
-                 labels
-                 lengths))
-  (define (compute-next labels lengths)
-    (intset-fold (lambda (label labels)
-                   (fold1 (lambda (pred labels)
-                            (if (intmap-ref lengths pred)
-                                labels
-                                (intset-add! labels pred)))
-                          (intmap-ref preds label)
-                          labels))
-                 labels
-                 empty-intset))
-  (define (visit labels lengths length)
-    (let ((lengths (add-lengths labels lengths length)))
-      (values (compute-next labels lengths) lengths (1+ length))))
-  (match (intmap-ref conts kfun)
-    (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-     (worklist-fold2 visit (intset-add empty-intset tail) empty-intmap 0))))
-;; Topologically sort the continuation tree starting at k0, using
-;; reverse post-order numbering.
-(define (sort-labels-locally conts k0 path-lengths)
-  (let ((order '())
-        (visited empty-intset))
-    (define (visit k)
-      (define (maybe-visit k)
-        (unless (intset-ref visited k)
-          (visit k)))
-      (define (visit-successors k)
-        (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-          (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-           (match exp
-             (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
-              (maybe-visit handler)
-              (maybe-visit k))
-             (($ $branch kt)
-              ;; Visit the successor with the shortest path length
-              ;; to the tail first, so that if the branches are
-              ;; unsorted, the longer path length will appear
-              ;; first.  This will move a loop exit out of a loop.
-              (let ((k-len (intmap-ref path-lengths k))
-                    (kt-len (intmap-ref path-lengths kt)))
-                (cond
-                 ((if kt-len
-                      (or (not k-len)
-                          (< k-len kt-len)
-                          ;; If the path lengths are the
-                          ;; same, preserve original order
-                          ;; to avoid squirreliness.
-                          (and (= k-len kt-len) (< kt k)))
-                      (if k-len #f (< kt k)))
-                  (maybe-visit k)
-                  (maybe-visit kt))
-                 (else
-                  (maybe-visit kt)
-                  (maybe-visit k)))))
-             (_
-              (maybe-visit k))))
-          (($ $kreceive arity k) (maybe-visit k))
-          (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt)
-           (when kalt (visit kalt))
-           (maybe-visit kbody))
-          (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-           (visit tail)
-           (when clause (visit clause)))
-          (_ #f)))
-      ;; Mark this continuation as visited.
-      (set! visited (intset-add! visited k))
-      ;; Visit unvisited successors.
-      (visit-successors k)
-      ;; Add k to the reverse post-order.
-      (set! order (cons k order)))
-    ;; Recursively visit all continuations reachable from k0.
-    (visit k0)
-    ;; Return the sorted order.
-    order))
-(define (compute-renaming conts kfun)
-  ;; labels := old -> new
-  ;; vars := old -> new
-  (define *next-label* -1)
-  (define *next-var* -1)
-  (define (rename-label label labels)
-    (set! *next-label* (1+ *next-label*))
-    (intmap-add! labels label *next-label*))
-  (define (rename-var sym vars)
-    (set! *next-var* (1+ *next-var*))
-    (intmap-add! vars sym *next-var*))
-  (define (rename label labels vars)
-    (values (rename-label label labels)
-            (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-              (($ $kargs names syms exp)
-               (fold1 rename-var syms vars))
-              (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-               (rename-var self vars))
-              (_ vars))))
-  (define (visit-nested-funs k labels vars)
-    (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src ($ $fun kfun)))
-       (visit-fun kfun labels vars))
-      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src ($ $rec names* syms*
-                                                  (($ $fun kfun) ...))))
-       (fold2 visit-fun kfun labels vars))
-      (_ (values labels vars))))
-  (define (visit-fun kfun labels vars)
-    (let* ((preds (compute-predecessors conts kfun))
-           (path-lengths (compute-tail-path-lengths conts kfun preds))
-           (order (sort-labels-locally conts kfun path-lengths)))
-      ;; First rename locally, then recurse on nested functions.
-      (let-values (((labels vars) (fold2 rename order labels vars)))
-        (fold2 visit-nested-funs order labels vars))))
-  (let-values (((labels vars) (visit-fun kfun empty-intmap empty-intmap)))
-    (values (persistent-intmap labels) (persistent-intmap vars))))
-(define (renumber conts kfun)
-  (let-values (((label-map var-map) (compute-renaming conts kfun)))
-    (define (rename-label label)
-      (or (intmap-ref label-map label) (error "what" label)))
-    (define (rename-var var)
-      (or (intmap-ref var-map var) (error "what2" var)))
-    (define (rename-exp exp)
-      (rewrite-cps-exp exp
-        ((or ($ $const) ($ $prim)) ,exp)
-        (($ $closure k nfree)
-         ($closure (rename-label k) nfree))
-        (($ $fun body)
-         ($fun ,(rename-label body)))
-        (($ $rec names vars funs)
-         ($rec names (map rename-var vars) (map rename-exp funs)))
-        (($ $values args)
-         ($values ,(map rename-var args)))
-        (($ $call proc args)
-         ($call (rename-var proc) ,(map rename-var args)))
-        (($ $callk k proc args)
-         ($callk (rename-label k) (rename-var proc) ,(map rename-var args)))
-        (($ $branch kt exp)
-         ($branch (rename-label kt) ,(rename-exp exp)))
-        (($ $primcall name args)
-         ($primcall name ,(map rename-var args)))
-        (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
-         ($prompt escape? (rename-var tag) (rename-label handler)))))
-    (define (rename-arity arity)
-      (match arity
-        (($ $arity req opt rest () aok?)
-         arity)
-        (($ $arity req opt rest kw aok?)
-         (match kw
-           (() arity)
-           (((kw kw-name kw-var) ...)
-            (let ((kw (map list kw kw-name (map rename-var kw-var))))
-              (make-$arity req opt rest kw aok?)))))))
-    (persistent-intmap
-     (intmap-fold
-      (lambda (old-k new-k out)
-        (intmap-add!
-         out
-         new-k
-         (rewrite-cont (intmap-ref conts old-k)
-                       (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-                        ($kargs names (map rename-var syms)
-                          ($continue (rename-label k) src ,(rename-exp exp))))
-                       (($ $kreceive ($ $arity req () rest () #f) k)
-                        ($kreceive req rest (rename-label k)))
-                       (($ $ktail)
-                        ($ktail))
-                       (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-                        ($kfun src meta (rename-var self) (rename-label tail)
-                          (and clause (rename-label clause))))
-                       (($ $kclause arity body alternate)
-                        ($kclause ,(rename-arity arity) (rename-label body)
-                                  (and alternate (rename-label alternate)))))))
-      label-map
-      empty-intmap))))
-(define (fixpoint f x)
-  (let ((x* (f x)))
-    (if (eq? x x*) x* (f x*))))
-;; Precondition: For each function in CONTS, the continuation names are
-;; topologically sorted.
-(define* (compute-idoms* conts kfun)
-  ;; This is the iterative O(n^2) fixpoint algorithm, originally from
-  ;; Allen and Cocke ("Graph-theoretic constructs for program flow
-  ;; analysis", 1972).  See the discussion in Cooper, Harvey, and
-  ;; Kennedy's "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm", 2001.
-  (let ((preds-map (compute-predecessors conts kfun)))
-    (define (compute-idom idoms preds)
-      (match preds
-        (() -1)
-        ((pred) pred)                   ; Shortcut.
-        ((pred . preds)
-         (define (common-idom d0 d1)
-           ;; We exploit the fact that a reverse post-order is a
-           ;; topological sort, and so the idom of a node is always
-           ;; numerically less than the node itself.
-           (let lp ((d0 d0) (d1 d1))
-             (cond
-              ;; d0 or d1 can be false on the first iteration.
-              ((not d0) d1)
-              ((not d1) d0)
-              ((= d0 d1) d0)
-              ((< d0 d1) (lp d0 (intmap-ref idoms d1)))
-              (else (lp (intmap-ref idoms d0) d1)))))
-         (fold1 common-idom preds pred))))
-    (define (adjoin-idom label preds idoms)
-      (let ((idom (compute-idom idoms preds)))
-        ;; Don't use intmap-add! here.
-        (intmap-add idoms label idom (lambda (old new) new))))
-    (fixpoint (lambda (idoms)
-                (intmap-fold adjoin-idom preds-map idoms))
-              empty-intmap)))
-;; Compute a vector containing, for each node, a list of the nodes that
-;; it immediately dominates.  These are the "D" edges in the DJ tree.
-(define (compute-dom-edges* idoms)
-  (define (snoc cdr car) (cons car cdr))
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (label idom doms)
-                 (let ((doms (intmap-add! doms label '())))
-                   (cond
-                    ((< idom 0) doms) ;; No edge to entry.
-                    (else (intmap-add! doms idom label snoc)))))
-               idoms
-               empty-intmap))
-;; Precondition: For each function in CONTS, the continuation names are
-;; topologically sorted.
-(define (conts->fun conts kentry)
-  (define (convert-fun kfun)
-    (let ((doms (compute-dom-edges* (compute-idoms* conts kfun))))
-      (define (visit-cont label)
-        (rewrite-cps-cont (intmap-ref conts label)
-          (($ $kargs names syms body)
-           (label ($kargs names syms ,(redominate label (visit-term body)))))
-          ((and cont (or ($ $ktail) ($ $kreceive)))
-           (label ,cont))))
-      (define (visit-clause label)
-        (and label
-             (rewrite-cps-cont (intmap-ref conts label)
-               (($ $kclause arity body alternate)
-                (label ($kclause ,arity ,(visit-cont body)
-                                 ,(visit-clause alternate)))))))
-      (define (redominate label term)
-        (define (visit-dom-conts label)
-          (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-            (($ $ktail) '())
-            (($ $kargs) (list (visit-cont label)))
-            (else
-             (cons (visit-cont label)
-                   (visit-dom-conts* (intmap-ref doms label))))))
-        (define (visit-dom-conts* labels)
-          (match labels
-            (() '())
-            ((label . labels)
-             (append (visit-dom-conts label)
-                     (visit-dom-conts* labels)))))
-        (rewrite-cps-term (visit-dom-conts* (intmap-ref doms label))
-          (() ,term)
-          (conts ($letk ,conts ,term))))
-      (define (visit-term term)
-        (rewrite-cps-term term
-          (($ $continue k src (and ($ $fun) fun))
-           ($continue k src ,(visit-fun fun)))
-          (($ $continue k src ($ $rec names syms funs))
-           ($continue k src ($rec names syms (map visit-fun funs))))
-          (($ $continue k src exp)
-           ,term)))
-      (define (visit-fun fun)
-        (rewrite-cps-exp fun
-          (($ $fun body)
-           ($fun ,(convert-fun body)))))
-      (rewrite-cps-cont (intmap-ref conts kfun)
-        (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
-         (kfun ($kfun src meta self (tail ($ktail))
-                 ,(visit-clause clause)))))))
-  (convert-fun kentry))
-;;; Continuations that simply forward their values to another may be
-;;; elided via eta reduction over labels.
-;;; There is an exception however: we must exclude strongly-connected
-;;; components (SCCs).  The only kind of SCC we can build out of $values
-;;; expressions are infinite loops.
-;;; Condition A below excludes single-node SCCs.  Single-node SCCs
-;;; cannot be reduced.
-;;; Condition B conservatively excludes edges to labels already marked
-;;; as candidates.  This prevents back-edges and so breaks SCCs, and is
-;;; optimal if labels are sorted.  If the labels aren't sorted it's
-;;; suboptimal but cheap.
-(define (compute-eta-reductions conts kfun)
-  (define (visit-fun kfun nested-funs eta)
-    (let ((body (compute-function-body conts kfun)))
-      (define (visit-cont label nested-funs eta)
-        (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-          (($ $kargs names vars ($ $continue k src ($ $values vars)))
-           (values nested-funs
-                   (intset-maybe-add! eta label
-                                      (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-                                        (($ $kargs)
-                                         (and (not (eqv? label k)) ; A
-                                              (not (intset-ref eta label)) ; B
-                                              ))
-                                        (_ #f)))))
-          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $fun kfun)))
-           (values (intset-add! nested-funs kfun) eta))
-          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $rec _ _ (($ $fun kfun) ...))))
-           (values (intset-add*! nested-funs kfun) eta))
-          (_
-           (values nested-funs eta))))
-      (intset-fold2 visit-cont body nested-funs eta)))
-  (define (visit-funs worklist eta)
-    (intset-fold2 visit-fun worklist empty-intset eta))
-  (persistent-intset
-   (worklist-fold visit-funs (intset-add empty-intset kfun) empty-intset)))
-(define (eta-reduce conts kfun)
-  (let ((label-set (compute-eta-reductions conts kfun)))
-    ;; Replace any continuation to a label in LABEL-SET with the label's
-    ;; continuation.  The label will denote a $kargs continuation, so
-    ;; only terms that can continue to $kargs need be taken into
-    ;; account.
-    (define (subst label)
-      (if (intset-ref label-set label)
-          (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-            (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k)) (subst k)))
-          label))
-    (transform-conts
-     (lambda (label cont)
-       (and (not (intset-ref label-set label))
-            (rewrite-cont cont
-              (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue kf src ($ $branch kt exp)))
-               ($kargs names syms
-                 ($continue (subst kf) src ($branch (subst kt) ,exp))))
-              (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-               ($kargs names syms
-                 ($continue (subst k) src ,exp)))
-              (($ $kreceive ($ $arity req () rest () #f) k)
-               ($kreceive req rest (subst k)))
-              (($ $kclause arity body alt)
-               ($kclause ,arity (subst body) alt))
-              (_ ,cont))))
-     conts)))
-(define (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts body)
-  (define (add-ref label single multiple)
-    (define (ref k single multiple)
-      (if (intset-ref single k)
-          (values single (intset-add! multiple k))
-          (values (intset-add! single k) multiple)))
-    (define (ref0) (values single multiple))
-    (define (ref1 k) (ref k single multiple))
-    (define (ref2 k k*)
-      (if k*
-          (let-values (((single multiple) (ref k single multiple)))
-            (ref k* single multiple))
-          (ref1 k)))
-    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-      (($ $kreceive arity k) (ref1 k))
-      (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause) (ref2 ktail kclause))
-      (($ $ktail) (ref0))
-      (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (ref2 kbody kalt))
-      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-       (ref2 k (match exp (($ $branch k) k) (($ $prompt _ _ k) k) (_ #f))))))
-  (let*-values (((single multiple) (values empty-intset empty-intset))
-                ((single multiple) (intset-fold2 add-ref body single 
-    (intset-subtract (persistent-intset single)
-                     (persistent-intset multiple))))
-(define (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts body)
-  (define (add-ref label counts)
-    (define (ref k counts) (intmap-add counts k 1 +))
-    (define (ref0) counts)
-    (define (ref1 k) (ref k counts))
-    (define (ref2 k k*) (ref k (if k* (ref k* counts) counts)))
-    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-      (($ $kreceive arity k) (ref1 k))
-      (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause) (ref2 ktail kclause))
-      (($ $ktail) (ref0))
-      (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (ref2 kbody kalt))
-      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-       (ref2 k (match exp (($ $branch k) k) (($ $prompt _ _ k) k) (_ #f))))))
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (label count single)
-                 (if (= count 1)
-                     (intset-add single label)
-                     single))
-               (pk (intset-fold add-ref body empty-intmap))
-               empty-intset))
-(define (intset-maybe-add! set k add?)
-  (if add? (intset-add! set k) set))
-(define (intset-add* set k*)
-  (let lp ((set set) (k* k*))
-    (match k*
-      ((k . k*) (lp (intset-add set k) k*))
-      (() set))))
-(define (intset-add*! set k*)
-  (fold1 (lambda (k set) (intset-add! set k)) k* set))
-(define (compute-beta-reductions conts kfun)
-  (define (visit-fun kfun nested-funs beta)
-    (let* ((body (compute-function-body conts kfun))
-           (single (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts body)))
-      (define (visit-cont label nested-funs beta)
-        (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-          ;; A continuation's body can be inlined in place of a $values
-          ;; expression if the continuation is a $kargs.  It should only
-          ;; be inlined if it is used only once, and not recursively.
-          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src ($ $values)))
-           (values nested-funs
-                   (intset-maybe-add! beta label
-                                      (and (intset-ref single k)
-                                           (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-                                             (($ $kargs) #t)
-                                             (_ #f))))))
-          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $fun kfun)))
-           (values (intset-add nested-funs kfun) beta))
-          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $rec _ _ (($ $fun kfun) ...))))
-           (values (intset-add* nested-funs kfun) beta))
-          (_
-           (values nested-funs beta))))
-      (intset-fold2 visit-cont body nested-funs beta)))
-  (define (visit-funs worklist beta)
-    (intset-fold2 visit-fun worklist empty-intset beta))
-  (persistent-intset
-   (worklist-fold visit-funs (intset-add empty-intset kfun) empty-intset)))
-(define (fold2* f l1 l2 seed)
-  (let lp ((l1 l1) (l2 l2) (seed seed))
-    (match (cons l1 l2)
-      ((() . ()) seed)
-      (((x1 . l1) . (x2 . l2)) (lp l1 l2 (f x1 x2 seed))))))
-(define (compute-beta-var-substitutions conts label-set)
-  (define (add-var-substs label var-map)
-    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
-      (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k _ ($ $values vals)))
-       (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-         (($ $kargs names vars)
-          (fold2* (lambda (var val var-map)
-                    (intmap-add! var-map var val))
-                  vars vals var-map))))))
-  (intset-fold add-var-substs label-set empty-intmap))
-(define (transform-conts f conts)
-  (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out)
-                 (let ((v* (f k v)))
-                   (if (equal? v v*)
-                       out
-                       (intmap-add! out k v* (lambda (old new) new)))))
-               conts
-               conts))
-(define (beta-reduce conts kfun)
-  (let* ((label-set (compute-beta-reductions conts kfun))
-         (var-map (compute-beta-var-substitutions conts label-set)))
-    (define (subst var)
-      (match (intmap-ref var-map var)
-        (#f var)
-        (val (subst val))))
-    (define (transform-exp label k src exp)
-      (if (intset-ref label-set label)
-          (match (intmap-ref conts k)
-            (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k* src* exp*))
-             (transform-exp k k* src* exp*)))
-          (build-term
-           ($continue k src
-             ,(rewrite-cps-exp exp
-                ((or ($ $const) ($ $prim) ($ $fun) ($ $rec))
-                 ,exp)
-                (($ $call proc args)
-                 ($call (subst proc) ,(map subst args)))
-                (($ $callk k proc args)
-                 ($callk k (subst proc) ,(map subst args)))
-                (($ $primcall name args)
-                 ($primcall name ,(map subst args)))
-                (($ $values args)
-                 ($values ,(map subst args)))
-                (($ $branch kt ($ $values (var)))
-                 ($branch kt ($values ((subst var)))))
-                (($ $branch kt ($ $primcall name args))
-                 ($branch kt ($primcall name ,(map subst args))))
-                (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
-                 ($prompt escape? (subst tag) handler)))))))
-    (transform-conts
-     (lambda (label cont)
-       (match cont
-         (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
-          (build-cont
-           ($kargs names syms ,(transform-exp label k src exp))))
-         (_ cont)))
-     conts)))
-(define (simplify2 fun)
-  (let-values (((conts kfun) (fun->conts fun)))
-    (let* ((conts (beta-reduce conts kfun))
-           (conts (eta-reduce conts kfun)))
-      ;; Renumbering prunes unreachable continuations.
-      (conts->fun (renumber conts kfun) 0))))
diff --git a/module/language/cps2/compile-cps.scm 
index f02f760..e505233 100644
--- a/module/language/cps2/compile-cps.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps2/compile-cps.scm
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   #:use-module (language cps2)
   #:use-module ((language cps) #:prefix cps:)
   #:use-module (language cps2 utils)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 optimize)
   #:use-module (language cps2 renumber)
   #:use-module (language cps intmap)
   #:export (compile-cps))
@@ -99,4 +100,5 @@
   (convert-fun 0))
 (define (compile-cps exp env opts)
-  (values (conts->fun (renumber exp)) env env))
+  (let ((exp (renumber (optimize exp opts))))
+    (values (conts->fun exp) env env)))
diff --git a/module/language/cps2/optimize.scm 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ccd3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/cps2/optimize.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
+;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Optimizations on CPS2.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language cps2 optimize)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 simplify)
+  #:export (optimize))
+(define (kw-arg-ref args kw default)
+  (match (memq kw args)
+    ((_ val . _) val)
+    (_ default)))
+(define (optimize program opts)
+  (define (run-pass! pass kw default)
+    (set! program
+          (if (kw-arg-ref opts kw default)
+              (pass program)
+              program)))
+  ;; This series of assignments to `env' used to be a series of let*
+  ;; bindings of `env', as you would imagine.  In compiled code this is
+  ;; fine because the compiler is able to allocate all let*-bound
+  ;; variable to the same slot, which also means that the garbage
+  ;; collector doesn't have to retain so many copies of the term being
+  ;; optimized.  However during bootstrap, the interpreter doesn't do
+  ;; this optimization, leading to excessive data retention as the terms
+  ;; are rewritten.  To marginally improve bootstrap memory usage, here
+  ;; we use set! instead.  The compiler should produce the same code in
+  ;; any case, though currently it does not because it doesn't do escape
+  ;; analysis on the box created for the set!.
+  (run-pass! simplify #:simplify? #t)
+  program)
diff --git a/module/language/cps2/simplify.scm 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0daefc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/cps2/simplify.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
+;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; The fundamental lambda calculus reductions, like beta and eta
+;;; reduction and so on.  Pretty lame currently.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language cps2 simplify)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (language cps2)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 utils)
+  #:use-module (language cps intset)
+  #:use-module (language cps intmap)
+  #:export (simplify))
+(define (intset-maybe-add! set k add?)
+  (if add? (intset-add! set k) set))
+(define (intset-add* set k*)
+  (let lp ((set set) (k* k*))
+    (match k*
+      ((k . k*) (lp (intset-add set k) k*))
+      (() set))))
+(define (intset-add*! set k*)
+  (fold1 (lambda (k set) (intset-add! set k)) k* set))
+(define (fold2* f l1 l2 seed)
+  (let lp ((l1 l1) (l2 l2) (seed seed))
+    (match (cons l1 l2)
+      ((() . ()) seed)
+      (((x1 . l1) . (x2 . l2)) (lp l1 l2 (f x1 x2 seed))))))
+(define (transform-conts f conts)
+  (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out)
+                 (let ((v* (f k v)))
+                   (if (equal? v v*)
+                       out
+                       (intmap-add! out k v* (lambda (old new) new)))))
+               conts
+               conts))
+;;; Continuations that simply forward their values to another may be
+;;; elided via eta reduction over labels.
+;;; There is an exception however: we must exclude strongly-connected
+;;; components (SCCs).  The only kind of SCC we can build out of $values
+;;; expressions are infinite loops.
+;;; Condition A below excludes single-node SCCs.  Single-node SCCs
+;;; cannot be reduced.
+;;; Condition B conservatively excludes edges to labels already marked
+;;; as candidates.  This prevents back-edges and so breaks SCCs, and is
+;;; optimal if labels are sorted.  If the labels aren't sorted it's
+;;; suboptimal but cheap.
+(define (compute-eta-reductions conts kfun)
+  (define (visit-fun kfun nested-funs eta)
+    (let ((body (compute-function-body conts kfun)))
+      (define (visit-cont label nested-funs eta)
+        (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+          (($ $kargs names vars ($ $continue k src ($ $values vars)))
+           (values nested-funs
+                   (intset-maybe-add! eta label
+                                      (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+                                        (($ $kargs)
+                                         (and (not (eqv? label k)) ; A
+                                              (not (intset-ref eta label)) ; B
+                                              ))
+                                        (_ #f)))))
+          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $fun kfun)))
+           (values (intset-add! nested-funs kfun) eta))
+          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $rec _ _ (($ $fun kfun) ...))))
+           (values (intset-add*! nested-funs kfun) eta))
+          (_
+           (values nested-funs eta))))
+      (intset-fold2 visit-cont body nested-funs eta)))
+  (define (visit-funs worklist eta)
+    (intset-fold2 visit-fun worklist empty-intset eta))
+  (persistent-intset
+   (worklist-fold visit-funs (intset-add empty-intset kfun) empty-intset)))
+(define (eta-reduce conts kfun)
+  (let ((label-set (compute-eta-reductions conts kfun)))
+    ;; Replace any continuation to a label in LABEL-SET with the label's
+    ;; continuation.  The label will denote a $kargs continuation, so
+    ;; only terms that can continue to $kargs need be taken into
+    ;; account.
+    (define (subst label)
+      (if (intset-ref label-set label)
+          (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+            (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k)) (subst k)))
+          label))
+    (transform-conts
+     (lambda (label cont)
+       (and (not (intset-ref label-set label))
+            (rewrite-cont cont
+              (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue kf src ($ $branch kt exp)))
+               ($kargs names syms
+                 ($continue (subst kf) src ($branch (subst kt) ,exp))))
+              (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
+               ($kargs names syms
+                 ($continue (subst k) src ,exp)))
+              (($ $kreceive ($ $arity req () rest () #f) k)
+               ($kreceive req rest (subst k)))
+              (($ $kclause arity body alt)
+               ($kclause ,arity (subst body) alt))
+              (_ ,cont))))
+     conts)))
+(define (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts body)
+  (define (add-ref label single multiple)
+    (define (ref k single multiple)
+      (if (intset-ref single k)
+          (values single (intset-add! multiple k))
+          (values (intset-add! single k) multiple)))
+    (define (ref0) (values single multiple))
+    (define (ref1 k) (ref k single multiple))
+    (define (ref2 k k*)
+      (if k*
+          (let-values (((single multiple) (ref k single multiple)))
+            (ref k* single multiple))
+          (ref1 k)))
+    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+      (($ $kreceive arity k) (ref1 k))
+      (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause) (ref2 ktail kclause))
+      (($ $ktail) (ref0))
+      (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (ref2 kbody kalt))
+      (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
+       (ref2 k (match exp (($ $branch k) k) (($ $prompt _ _ k) k) (_ #f))))))
+  (let*-values (((single multiple) (values empty-intset empty-intset))
+                ((single multiple) (intset-fold2 add-ref body single 
+    (intset-subtract (persistent-intset single)
+                     (persistent-intset multiple))))
+(define (compute-beta-reductions conts kfun)
+  (define (visit-fun kfun nested-funs beta)
+    (let* ((body (compute-function-body conts kfun))
+           (single (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts body)))
+      (define (visit-cont label nested-funs beta)
+        (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+          ;; A continuation's body can be inlined in place of a $values
+          ;; expression if the continuation is a $kargs.  It should only
+          ;; be inlined if it is used only once, and not recursively.
+          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src ($ $values)))
+           (values nested-funs
+                   (intset-maybe-add! beta label
+                                      (and (intset-ref single k)
+                                           (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+                                             (($ $kargs) #t)
+                                             (_ #f))))))
+          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $fun kfun)))
+           (values (intset-add nested-funs kfun) beta))
+          (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ ($ $rec _ _ (($ $fun kfun) ...))))
+           (values (intset-add* nested-funs kfun) beta))
+          (_
+           (values nested-funs beta))))
+      (intset-fold2 visit-cont body nested-funs beta)))
+  (define (visit-funs worklist beta)
+    (intset-fold2 visit-fun worklist empty-intset beta))
+  (persistent-intset
+   (worklist-fold visit-funs (intset-add empty-intset kfun) empty-intset)))
+(define (compute-beta-var-substitutions conts label-set)
+  (define (add-var-substs label var-map)
+    (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+      (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k _ ($ $values vals)))
+       (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+         (($ $kargs names vars)
+          (fold2* (lambda (var val var-map)
+                    (intmap-add! var-map var val))
+                  vars vals var-map))))))
+  (intset-fold add-var-substs label-set empty-intmap))
+(define (beta-reduce conts kfun)
+  (let* ((label-set (compute-beta-reductions conts kfun))
+         (var-map (compute-beta-var-substitutions conts label-set)))
+    (define (subst var)
+      (match (intmap-ref var-map var)
+        (#f var)
+        (val (subst val))))
+    (define (transform-exp label k src exp)
+      (if (intset-ref label-set label)
+          (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+            (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k* src* exp*))
+             (transform-exp k k* src* exp*)))
+          (build-term
+           ($continue k src
+             ,(rewrite-exp exp
+                ((or ($ $const) ($ $prim) ($ $fun) ($ $rec))
+                 ,exp)
+                (($ $call proc args)
+                 ($call (subst proc) ,(map subst args)))
+                (($ $callk k proc args)
+                 ($callk k (subst proc) ,(map subst args)))
+                (($ $primcall name args)
+                 ($primcall name ,(map subst args)))
+                (($ $values args)
+                 ($values ,(map subst args)))
+                (($ $branch kt ($ $values (var)))
+                 ($branch kt ($values ((subst var)))))
+                (($ $branch kt ($ $primcall name args))
+                 ($branch kt ($primcall name ,(map subst args))))
+                (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
+                 ($prompt escape? (subst tag) handler)))))))
+    (transform-conts
+     (lambda (label cont)
+       (match cont
+         (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
+          (build-cont
+           ($kargs names syms ,(transform-exp label k src exp))))
+         (_ cont)))
+     conts)))
+(define (simplify conts)
+  (eta-reduce (beta-reduce conts 0) 0))

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