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[Guile-commits] 01/02: statprof: Add tree #:display-style.

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 01/02: statprof: Add tree #:display-style.
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 22:12:35 +0000

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit cf2fadf603b7fa39269d3590ae99dca162c9350d
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Jan 7 16:23:26 2016 +0100

    statprof: Add tree #:display-style.
    * module/statprof.scm (statprof-display/flat): Rename from
      statprof-display.  Use real format; we have it.
      (statprof-display-anomalies): Likewise use real format.
      (procedure=?): Remove unused function.
      (collect-cycles): New helper.
      (statprof-fetch-call-tree): Fix to root the trees correctly -- it was
      interpreting them in the wrong order.  Detect cycles so that it's not
      so terrible.  Use precise locations for source locations.  Probably
      need to add an option to go back to the per-function behavior.
      (statprof-display/tree): New helper, uses statprof-fetch-call-tree to
      display a profile in a nested tree.
      (statprof-display): Add #:style argument, which can be `flat',
      `anomalies', or `tree'.
      (statprof): Add #:display-style argument, proxying to #:style,
      defaulting to 'flat.
 module/statprof.scm |  151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/statprof.scm b/module/statprof.scm
index 74b32c0..a922695 100644
--- a/module/statprof.scm
+++ b/module/statprof.scm
@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
-  #:autoload   (ice-9 format) (format)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
   #:use-module (system vm vm)
   #:use-module (system vm frame)
   #:use-module (system vm debug)
@@ -666,8 +668,7 @@ none is available."
             (statprof-stats-cum-secs-in-proc y))
-(define* (statprof-display #:optional (port (current-output-port))
-                           (state (existing-profiler-state)))
+(define* (statprof-display/flat port state)
   "Displays a gprof-like summary of the statistics collected. Unless an
 optional @var{port} argument is passed, uses the current output port."
@@ -720,11 +721,11 @@ optional @var{port} argument is passed, uses the current 
output port."
       (for-each display-stats-line sorted-stats)
       (display "---\n" port)
-      (simple-format #t "Sample count: ~A\n" (statprof-sample-count state))
-      (simple-format #t "Total time: ~A seconds (~A seconds in GC)\n"
-                     (statprof-accumulated-time state)
-                     (/ (gc-time-taken state)
-                        1.0 internal-time-units-per-second))))))
+      (format #t "Sample count: ~A\n" (statprof-sample-count state))
+      (format #t "Total time: ~A seconds (~A seconds in GC)\n"
+              (statprof-accumulated-time state)
+              (/ (gc-time-taken state)
+                 1.0 internal-time-units-per-second))))))
 (define* (statprof-display-anomalies #:optional (state
@@ -735,15 +736,15 @@ address@hidden"
      (when (and (call-counts state)
                 (zero? (call-data-call-count data))
                 (positive? (call-data-cum-sample-count data)))
-       (simple-format #t
-                      "==[~A ~A ~A]\n"
-                      (call-data-name data)
-                      (call-data-call-count data)
-                      (call-data-cum-sample-count data))))
+       (format #t
+               "==[~A ~A ~A]\n"
+               (call-data-name data)
+               (call-data-call-count data)
+               (call-data-cum-sample-count data))))
-  (simple-format #t "Total time: ~A\n" (statprof-accumulated-time state))
-  (simple-format #t "Sample count: ~A\n" (statprof-sample-count state)))
+  (format #t "Total time: ~A\n" (statprof-accumulated-time state))
+  (format #t "Sample count: ~A\n" (statprof-sample-count state)))
 (define (statprof-display-anomolies)
   (issue-deprecation-warning "statprof-display-anomolies is a misspelling. "
@@ -769,15 +770,6 @@ address@hidden"
 to @code{statprof-reset}."
   (stack-samples->callee-lists state))
-(define procedure=?
-  (lambda (a b)
-    (cond
-     ((eq? a b))
-     ((and (program? a) (program? b))
-      (eq? (program-code a) (program-code b)))
-     (else
-      #f))))
 ;; tree ::= (car n . tree*)
 (define (lists->trees lists equal?)
@@ -806,6 +798,58 @@ to @code{statprof-reset}."
           (acons (caar in) (list (cdar in)) tails))))))
+(define (collect-cycles items)
+  (define (find-cycle item stack)
+    (match (vhash-assoc item stack)
+      (#f #f)
+      ((_ . pos)
+       (let ((size (- (vlist-length stack) pos)))
+         (and (<= (1- (* size 2)) (vlist-length stack))
+              (let lp ((i 0))
+                (if (= i (1- size))
+                    size
+                    (and (equal? (car (vlist-ref stack i))
+                                 (car (vlist-ref stack (+ i size))))
+                         (lp (1+ i))))))))))
+  (define (collect-cycle stack size)
+    (vlist-fold-right (lambda (pair cycle)
+                        (cons (car pair) cycle))
+                      '()
+                      (vlist-take stack size)))
+  (define (detect-cycle items stack)
+    (match items
+      (() stack)
+      ((item . items)
+       (let* ((cycle-size (find-cycle item stack)))
+         (if cycle-size
+             (chomp-cycles (collect-cycle stack cycle-size)
+                           items
+                           (vlist-drop stack (1- (* cycle-size 2))))
+             (chomp-cycles (list item) items stack))))))
+  (define (skip-cycles cycle items)
+    (let lp ((a cycle) (b items))
+      (match a
+        (() (skip-cycles cycle b))
+        ((a . a*)
+         (match b
+           (() items)
+           ((b . b*)
+            (if (equal? a b)
+                (lp a* b*)
+                items)))))))
+  (define (chomp-cycles cycle items stack)
+    (detect-cycle (skip-cycles cycle items)
+                  (vhash-cons (match cycle
+                                ((item) item)
+                                (cycle cycle))
+                              (vlist-length stack)
+                              stack)))
+  (vlist-fold
+   (lambda (pair out)
+     (cons (car pair) out))
+   '()
+   (detect-cycle items vlist-null)))
 (define* (statprof-fetch-call-tree #:optional (state 
   "Return a call tree for the previous statprof run.
@@ -816,30 +860,73 @@ The return value is a list of nodes, each of which is of 
the type:
   (define (callee->printable callee)
      ((number? callee)
-      (addr->printable callee (find-program-debug-info callee)))
+      (let* ((pdi (find-program-debug-info callee))
+             (name (or (and=> (and pdi (program-debug-info-name pdi))
+                              symbol->string)
+                       (string-append "#x" (number->string callee 16))))
+             (loc (and=> (find-source-for-addr callee) source->string)))
+        (if loc
+            (string-append name " at " loc)
+            name)))
+     ((list? callee)
+      (string-join (map callee->printable callee) ", "))
       (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write callee))))))
-  (define (memoizev/1 proc table)
+  (define (memoize/1 proc table)
     (lambda (x)
-       ((hashv-get-handle table x) => cdr)
+       ((hash-get-handle table x) => cdr)
         (let ((res (proc x)))
-          (hashv-set! table x res)
+          (hash-set! table x res)
-  (let ((callee->printable (memoizev/1 callee->printable (make-hash-table))))
+  (let ((callee->printable (memoize/1 callee->printable (make-hash-table))))
     (cons #t (lists->trees (map (lambda (callee-list)
-                                  (map callee->printable callee-list))
+                                  (map callee->printable
+                                       (collect-cycles (reverse callee-list))))
                                 (stack-samples->callee-lists state))
+(define (statprof-display/tree port state)
+  (match (statprof-fetch-call-tree state)
+    ((#t total-count . trees)
+     (define (print-tree tree indent)
+       (define (print-subtree tree) (print-tree tree (+ indent 2)))
+       (match tree
+         ((callee count . trees)
+          (format port "~vt~,1f% ~a\n" indent (* 100. (/ count total-count))
+                  callee)
+          (for-each print-subtree trees))))
+     (for-each (lambda (tree) (print-tree tree 0)) trees)))
+  (display "---\n" port)
+  (format port "Sample count: ~A\n" (statprof-sample-count state))
+  (format port "Total time: ~A seconds (~A seconds in GC)\n"
+          (statprof-accumulated-time state)
+          (/ (gc-time-taken state)
+             1.0 internal-time-units-per-second)))
+(define* (statprof-display #:optional (port (current-output-port))
+                           (state (existing-profiler-state))
+                           #:key (style 'flat))
+  "Displays a summary of the statistics collected. Unless an optional
address@hidden argument is passed, uses the current output port."
+  (case style
+    ((flat) (statprof-display/flat port state))
+    ((anomalies)
+     (with-output-to-port port
+       (lambda ()
+         (statprof-display-anomalies state))))
+    ((tree) (statprof-display/tree port state))
+    (else (error "Unknown statprof display style" style))))
 (define (call-thunk thunk)
   (call-with-values (lambda () (thunk))
     (lambda results
       (apply values results))))
 (define* (statprof thunk #:key (loop 1) (hz 100) (count-calls? #f)
-                   (port (current-output-port)) full-stacks?)
+                   (port (current-output-port)) full-stacks?
+                   (display-style 'flat))
   "Profile the execution of @var{thunk}, and return its return values.
 The stack will be sampled @var{hz} times per second, and the thunk
@@ -865,7 +952,7 @@ operation is somewhat expensive."
           (call-thunk thunk))
         (lambda ()
           (statprof-stop state)
-          (statprof-display port state))))))
+          (statprof-display port state #:style display-style))))))
 (define-macro (with-statprof . args)
   "Profile the expressions in the body, and return the body's return values.

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