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[Guile-commits] 02/23: add (ice-9 eports)

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 02/23: add (ice-9 eports)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 14:26:02 +0000

wingo pushed a commit to branch wip-ethreads
in repository guile.

commit 32b8964f5e0ec312a64e19b12278bf7adaa4f7ad
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Mar 23 11:41:57 2012 +0100

    add (ice-9 eports)
    * module/ice-9/eports.scm: New file, implementing buffered nonblocking
    * module/ Add to build.
 module/      |    1 +
 module/ice-9/eports.scm |  435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 436 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index 6120760..f44a7a6 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ SOURCES =                                     \
   ice-9/debug.scm                              \
   ice-9/deprecated.scm                         \
   ice-9/documentation.scm                      \
+  ice-9/eports.scm                             \
   ice-9/eval-string.scm                                \
   ice-9/eval.scm                               \
   ice-9/expect.scm                             \
diff --git a/module/ice-9/eports.scm b/module/ice-9/eports.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd03224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/ice-9/eports.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+;; Eports: Ports that can be suspended when they would block.
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+(define-module (ice-9 eports)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 nio)
+  #:export (;; EPorts: ports that suspend when they would block.
+            eport?
+            eport-fd
+            eport-file-port
+            fdes->eport
+            file-port->eport
+            drain-output
+            close-eport
+            current-read-waiter
+            current-write-waiter
+            accept-eport
+            get-u8
+            lookahead-u8
+            get-bytevector-some
+            get-bytevector-n
+            get-bytevector-n!
+            get-bytevector-delimited
+            get-u8
+            put-u8
+            put-bytevector))
+(define-record-type <eport>
+  (make-eport fd readbuf writebuf file-port)
+  eport?
+  (fd eport-fd set-eport-fd!)
+  (readbuf eport-readbuf set-eport-readbuf!)
+  (writebuf eport-writebuf set-eport-writebuf!)
+  (file-port eport-file-port))
+(define (default-read-waiter eport)
+  (error "read would block" eport))
+(define current-read-waiter
+  (make-parameter default-read-waiter))
+(define (wait-for-readable eport)
+  ((current-read-waiter) eport))
+(define (default-write-waiter eport)
+  (error "write would block" eport))
+(define current-write-waiter
+  (make-parameter default-write-waiter))
+(define (wait-for-writable eport)
+  ((current-write-waiter) eport))
+;; It's important to avoid calling into the kernel too many times.  For
+;; that reason we buffer the input and output, using <buf> objects.  The
+;; bytes in a read buffer are laid out like this:
+;;                   already read | not yet | invalid
+;;                       data     |  read   |  data
+;;     readbuf: #vu8(r r r r r r r|u u u u u|x x x x x)
+;;                                ^cur      ^end
+;; Similarly for a write buffer:
+;;                   already written  | not yet | invalid
+;;                       data         | written |  data
+;;     writebuf: #vu8(w w w w w w w w |u u u u u|x x x x x)
+;;                                    ^cur      ^end
+;; We use a <buf> object for both purposes.
+(define-record-type <buf>
+  (make-buf bv cur end)
+  buf?
+  (bv buf-bv)
+  (cur buf-cur set-buf-cur!)
+  (end buf-end set-buf-end!))
+(define (make-fresh-buf n)
+  (make-buf (make-bytevector n 0) 0 0))
+;; Mark N bytes as having been read or written.  This advances CUR by N,
+;; except in the case that CUR would be equal to END, in which case both
+;; are reset to 0.
+(define (flush-buffer buf n)
+  (let ((new-cur (+ (buf-cur buf) n))
+        (end (buf-end buf)))
+    (cond
+     ((< new-cur end)
+      (set-buf-cur! buf new-cur))
+     ((= new-cur end)
+      (set-buf-cur! buf 0)
+      (set-buf-end! buf 0))
+     (else
+      (error "flushing too many bytes" buf n)))))
+;; Create an NIO port that wraps FD.  The strange default sizes assume
+;; that the memory is allocated inline to the bytevector, and thus has a
+;; 12- or 24-byte header, and so they will have a total size of 500 and
+;; 1012 or 512 and 1024, respectively.  The collector might do better
+;; with sizes like these.
+(define* (fdes->eport fd #:key readable? writable?
+                      (read-buffer-size 488)
+                      (write-buffer-size 1000)
+                      file-port)
+  (let ((eport
+         (make-eport
+          fd
+          (and readable? (make-fresh-buf read-buffer-size))
+          (and writable? (make-fresh-buf write-buffer-size))
+          file-port)))
+    (when file-port
+      (setvbuf file-port _IONBF))
+    (fcntl fd F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK)
+    eport))
+(define* (file-port->eport file-port)
+  (fdes->eport (fileno file-port)
+               #:readable? (input-port? file-port)
+               #:writable? (output-port? file-port)
+               #:file-port file-port))
+(define* (close-eport eport #:key (drain-output? #t))
+  (let ((fd (eport-fd eport)))
+    (when fd
+      (when drain-output?
+        (drain-output eport))
+      (set-eport-fd! eport #f)
+      (set-eport-readbuf! eport #f)
+      (set-eport-writebuf! eport #f)
+      (cond
+       ((eport-file-port eport) => close-port)
+       (else (close-fdes fd))))))
+;; Accept a new connection on EPORT, an eport that wraps a
+;; listening socket.  Returns two values: an eport for the new
+;; connection, and the sockaddr.
+(define (accept-eport eport)
+  (let ((pair (nio-accept (eport-fd eport))))
+    (if pair
+        (values (fdes->eport (car pair) #:readable? #t #:writable? #t)
+                (cdr pair))
+        (begin
+          (wait-for-readable eport)
+          (accept-eport eport)))))
+;; Ensure that there are readable bytes in the buffer, or that the
+;; buffer is at EOF.  Returns the actual number of available bytes.
+(define (fill-input eport)
+  (let* ((buf (eport-readbuf eport))
+         (bv (buf-bv buf))
+         (cur (buf-cur buf))
+         (end (buf-end buf))
+         (len (bytevector-length bv)))
+    (if (zero? (- len end))
+        (error "fill-input should only be called when the readbuf is empty"))
+    (let ((rv (nio-read (eport-fd eport) bv end (- len end))))
+      (if (< rv 0)
+          (begin
+            (wait-for-readable eport)
+            (fill-input eport))
+          (let ((new-end (+ end rv)))
+            (set-buf-end! buf new-end)
+            (- new-end cur))))))
+;; Write all buffered output: those bytes between CUR and END.  Advances
+;; CUR to be equal to END.
+(define (drain-output eport)
+  (let* ((buf (eport-writebuf eport))
+         (bv (buf-bv buf)))
+    (let lp ()
+      (let ((cur (buf-cur buf))
+            (end (buf-end buf)))
+        (when (< cur end)
+          (let ((written (nio-write (eport-fd eport)
+                                    bv cur (- end cur))))
+            (flush-buffer buf written)
+            (when (< written (- end cur))
+              (wait-for-writable eport)
+              (lp))))))))
+;; Ensure that there is some space in the writebuf that can be filled.
+;; Will write data or shuffle buffered data in order to ensure this
+;; condition.
+(define (ensure-writable eport)
+  (let ((buf (eport-writebuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a writable port" eport))
+    (let lp ()
+      (let* ((cur (buf-cur buf))
+             (end (buf-end buf))
+             (bv (buf-bv buf))
+             (size (bytevector-length bv)))
+        (when (= end size)
+          (if (> (* cur 2) size)
+              ;; The buffer is less than half full; shuffle the data to
+              ;; make space.
+              (begin
+                (bytevector-copy! bv cur bv 0 (- end cur))
+                (set-buf-cur! buf 0)
+                (set-buf-end! buf (- end cur)))
+              ;; The buffer is more than half full; write some data and
+              ;; try again.
+              (let ((written (nio-write (eport-fd eport)
+                                        bv cur (- end cur))))
+                (flush-buffer buf written)
+                (when (< written (- end cur))
+                  (wait-for-writable eport)
+                  (lp)))))))))
+;; Peek at the next octet from EPORT, blocking if necessary.
+(define (lookahead-u8 eport)
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let ((cur (buf-cur buf)))
+      (if (< cur (buf-end buf))
+          (bytevector-u8-ref (buf-bv buf) cur)
+          (if (zero? (fill-input eport))
+              the-eof-object
+              (lookahead-u8 eport))))))
+;; Fetch the next octet from EPORT.
+(define (get-u8 eport)
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let ((cur (buf-cur buf)))
+      (if (< cur (buf-end buf))
+          (begin
+            (set-buf-cur! buf (1+ cur))
+            (bytevector-u8-ref (buf-bv buf) cur))
+          (if (zero? (fill-input eport))
+              the-eof-object
+              (get-u8 eport))))))
+;; Put a byte back into the buf of the port.  Note that you are only
+;; guaranteed to be able to put back as many bytes as your last
+;; fill-input was able to read.
+(define (putback-u8 eport u8)
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let ((cur (buf-cur buf)))
+      (if (zero? cur)
+          (error "no space to putback byte" eport)
+          (begin
+            (set-buf-cur! buf (1- cur))
+            (bytevector-u8-set! (buf-bv buf) cur u8))))))
+;; Put a sequence of bytes back into the buf of the port.  Note that you
+;; are only guaranteed to be able to put back as many bytes as your last
+;; fill-input was able to read.  In practice, this means you should only
+;; use this on the result of get-bytevector-some.
+(define* (putback-bytevector eport bv #:optional (start 0)
+                             (count (- (bytevector-length bv) start)))
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let ((cur (buf-cur buf)))
+      (if (> cur count)
+          (error "no space to putback bytes" eport count)
+          (begin
+            (set-buf-cur! buf (- cur count))
+            (bytevector-copy! bv start (buf-bv buf) (- cur count) count))))))
+;; Read some bytes from EPORT, and return them as a bytevector.  If
+;; bytes are available to be read, they are returned directly.  If no
+;; bytes are immediately available, attempt to fill the buffer, and try
+;; again.  If no bytes are available at all, return the EOF object.
+(define (get-bytevector-some eport)
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let* ((cur (buf-cur buf))
+           (len (- (buf-end buf) cur)))
+      (if (zero? len)
+          (if (zero? (fill-input eport))
+              the-eof-object
+              (get-bytevector-some eport))
+          (let ((ret (make-bytevector len)))
+            (bytevector-copy! (buf-bv buf) cur ret 0 len)
+            (flush-buffer buf len)
+            ret)))))
+;; Read bytes from EPORT until the byte DELIMITER is seen.  Return
+;; two values: a bytevector of the bytes read, not including the
+;; delimiter, and the delimiter, or the EOF object if EOF was
+;; encountered first.
+(define* (get-bytevector-delimited eport predicate)
+  (define (collect-result prev prev-len bv)
+    (if (null? prev-len)
+        bv
+        (let ((out (make-bytevector (+ prev-len (bytevector-length bv)))))
+          (bytevector-copy! bv 0 out prev-len (bytevector-length bv))
+          (let lp ((prev prev) (prev-len prev-len))
+            (cond
+             ((null? prev) out)
+             (else
+              (let ((len (bytevector-length (car prev))))
+                (bytevector-copy! (car prev) 0 out (- prev-len len) len)
+                (lp (cdr prev) (- prev-len len)))))))))
+  (let ((buf (eport-readbuf eport)))
+    (unless buf
+      (error "not a readable port" eport))
+    (let* ((bv (buf-bv buf))
+           (size (bytevector-length bv)))
+      (let lp ((prev '()) (prev-len 0))
+        (when (= (buf-cur buf) (buf-end buf))
+          (fill-input eport))
+        (let ((cur (buf-cur buf))
+              (end (buf-end buf)))
+          (let search ((i cur))
+            (if (< i end)
+                (if (predicate (bytevector-u8-ref bv i))
+                    (let ((ret (make-bytevector (- i cur))))
+                      (bytevector-copy! bv cur ret 0 (- i cur))
+                      ;; Plus one for the delimiter
+                      (flush-buffer buf (1+ (- i cur)))
+                      (values ret (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)))
+                    (search (1+ i)))
+                (let ((len (- end cur)))
+                  (if (zero? len)
+                      ;; EOF
+                      (values (if (zero? prev-len)
+                                  the-eof-object
+                                  (collect-result prev prev-len #vu8()))
+                              the-eof-object)
+                      (let ((ret (make-bytevector len)))
+                        (bytevector-copy! bv cur ret 0 len)
+                        (flush-buffer buf len)
+                        (lp (cons ret prev) (+ len prev-len))))))))))))
+;; Read COUNT bytes into bytevector DST, starting at offset START.
+;; Return the actual number of bytes read, which may be less if EOF was
+;; found first.
+(define* (get-bytevector-n! eport dst start count)
+  (let lp ((start start) (count count) (total 0))
+    (let* ((buf (eport-readbuf eport))
+           (bv (buf-bv buf))
+           (size (bytevector-length bv))
+           (cur (buf-cur buf))
+           (len (- (buf-end buf) cur)))
+      (unless buf
+        (error "not a readable port" eport))
+      (if (<= count len)
+          (begin
+            (bytevector-copy! bv cur dst start count)
+            (flush-buffer buf count)
+            (+ total count))
+          (begin
+            (bytevector-copy! bv cur dst start len)
+            (flush-buffer buf len)
+            (if (zero? (fill-input eport))
+                (+ total len)
+                (lp (+ start len) (- count len) (+ total len))))))))
+;; Read COUNT bytes from EPORT, returning them in a fresh bytevector.
+;; The bytevector will be smaller if EOF was found before COUNT bytes
+;; could be read.
+(define (get-bytevector-n eport count)
+  (let* ((bv (make-bytevector count))
+         (filled (get-bytevector-n! eport bv 0 count)))
+    (if (= filled count)
+        bv
+        (let ((ret (make-bytevector filled)))
+          (bytevector-copy! bv 0 ret 0 filled)
+          ret))))
+;; Write an octet to EPORT.  Note that in the normal case, the byte
+;; will be buffered; you will need to call DRAIN-OUTPUT for this octet
+;; to be written.
+(define (put-u8 eport u8)
+  (ensure-writable eport)
+  (let* ((buf (eport-writebuf eport))
+         (end (buf-end buf)))
+    (bytevector-u8-set! (buf-bv buf) end u8)
+    (set-buf-end! buf (1+ end))))
+(define* (put-bytevector eport bv #:optional (start 0)
+                         (count (- (bytevector-length bv) start)))
+  (ensure-writable eport)
+  (let* ((buf (eport-writebuf eport))
+         (size (bytevector-length (buf-bv buf))))
+    (let lp ((start start) (count count))
+      (let ((end (buf-end buf)))
+        (cond
+         ;; If BV can fit into the buffer, buffer it directly.
+         ((<= count (- size end))
+          (bytevector-copy! bv start (buf-bv buf) end count)
+          (set-buf-end! buf (+ end count)))
+         ;; If BV could fit into a flushed buffer, force output and try again.
+         ((<= count size)
+          (drain-output eport)
+          (lp start count))
+         ;; Otherwise, BV is bigger than the buffer.  Flush the buffer,
+         ;; and write from BV directly, without copying.
+         (else
+          (drain-output eport)
+          (let ((written (nio-write (eport-fd eport)
+                                    bv start count)))
+            (when (< written count)
+              (wait-for-writable eport)
+              (lp (+ start written) (- count written))))))))))

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